J-Fall 2018

55 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Jay Rajani – Axon Framework : A CQRS Approach to Microservices

As Microservices has become the boom, a lot of frameworks and approaches are claiming to be the best. The CQRS pattern has also been rejuvenated with this trend. If you want to use CQRS, Axon framework can be very helpful to build a scalable application by addressing core concerns in the architecture itself. But remember […]

J-Fall 2018: Pim Otte – Ethereum: Unboxing the Truffle Box for Angular

Blockchain is een enorme hype. Maar hoe werkt het? Hoe bouwen we applicaties? In dit praatje beschouwen we een volledige stack voor applicaties op een blockchain, met een focus op welke componenten in een front-end bijdragen aan deze interactie. Na een beknopte introductie van blockchains duiken we de stack in. De technologiekeuze is het Ethereum […]

J-Fall 2018: Bram Starmans-van den Hout – Craftsmanship unraveled

Why does the word craftsmanship seems to me like the magic answer to almost all software-related non-technical challenges? Let’s dive into concepts like professionality, loyalty and responsibility. Where does one end and the other begin? What makes a professional Java-developer? Bram Starmans-van den Hout I work as a Java-architect at the Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax Authorities). […]

J-Fall 2018: Bruno Borges – A Look Back at Enterprise Integration Patterns and Their Use into Today’s Serverless Computing

Functions, and the so called serverless computing have freed deveopers from worring about infrastructure, and even upper platform layers, as well some steps in the software development lifecycle. But once you have functions deployed, how do they interact with each other? How message navigates between them? Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to look back again […]

J-Fall 2018: Roy van Rijn – Community keynote – Quantum Computing: Mind-bogglingly weird!

Once you get down to a subatomic level, the world around us starts to become very weird indeed. Particles behave like waves and they are seemingly able to time-travel using entanglement. During this keynote we’ll explore the wonderful world of quantum mechanics. We’ll talk about how these effects can be used in quantum computers, leveraging […]

J-Fall 2018: Armando Ramirez – Demystifying Kubernetes and Containers Orchestration for Developers

Have you ever felt, as a software engineer, the need or the curiosity to understand more about the world of containers and container orchestration? Understanding the parts of the system underneath our applications will give us confidence and will help us to design, build and deliver better software. In a world of cloud native applications, […]

J-Fall 2018: Rosanne Joosten – Me, My Code and I

Some say they can read people and tell by their expressions or body language what kind of personality they have. But what if it is possible to read people from the code they write? It would perhaps be possible to tell who to avoid because they are a little bit aggressive and who to approach […]

J-Fall 2018: Alex Soto – KubeBoot – Spring Boot deployment on Kubernetes

Have you ever thought how to deploy Cloud Native Java Applications (Spring Boot) on Kubernetes? Kubernetes has now become a de-facto standard for deploying Cloud Native Applications, but still, there is the myth that they are not ready for Java workloads. The aim of this session is to break that myth to show Kubernetes is […]

J-Fall 2018: Roy Braam & Hilario Trindade – Going from nothing to production within an hour @ the Rabobank

What does it mean for a big financial company to go large scale to the public cloud? What effect has this on the 200+ teams? What is needed to enable teams migrating their services from an on-premises modular monolith to a microservices architecture based on PCF, while ‘keeping the shop open’? We will share our […]

J-Fall 2018: Winfred van Egteren – Reuse your web skills to build native apps with NativeScript

Are you a web developer who always wanted to write an app for both iOS and Android, but want to write it only once? Do you want a true, performant, native app, but don’t want to learn yet another language, yet another framework and get used to yet another IDE? With NativeScript, this is easier […]