Java / NLJUG

394 Videos

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Rene Boere, Pascal Snippen & Arjen Wassink – Continuous Delivery

Deze sessie is een verdieping van de keynote en doet uit de doeken hoe wij ons cluster ingericht hebben, inclusief de technische details. Met live demo’s tonen wij hoe principes en technieken werken. Zo zul je zien hoe wij in staat zijn met Git, Bamboo, Docker en Marathon, geautomatiseerd microservices uit te rollen op ons Mesos […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Rene Boere & Pascal Snippen – Pushing the limits of Continuous Delivery

Containers, cloud platformen, Service Discovery en Continuous Delivery zijn technologieën die zich momenteel razendsnel ontwikkelen. We passen allemaal al jaren Continuous Integration gecombineerd met unittesten toe in onze projecten. In deze sessie geeft Quintor haar visie hoe we Continuous Integration de komende jaren zien evolueren naar een Continuous Delivery omgeving op Web-scale formaat, gebruikmakend van […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Pascal Snippen & Rene Boere – Quintor Keynote: Mindblowing: 40+ node PI cluster

Met een Raspberry PI kan alles toch? Dat dachten wij ook. Dus besloten we het grootste Java gebaseerd overheids IT project te porten naar een 40+ node PI cluster. Dit is geen simpele demo applicatie maar deze applicatie wordt gebruikt door meer dan 1 miljoen gebruikers en heeft de gebruikelijke hardware en software requirements dat […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Tom Eugelink – One application to rule them all

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could write a mobile app and a desktop app with a single code base. Yes, of course there are HTML based solutions, and they work as well, but maybe you also find developing in HTML, CSS and JavaScript just frustrating as I do. I want to work in an […]

J-Fall Virtual 2020: Brian Vermeer – Securing Containers by Breaking in

There’s no better way to understand container security than seeing some live hacking! This session introduces the state of docker security by reviewing vulnerabilities in Docker images and their impact on applications and demonstrates via hands-on live hacking. This session further provides the audience with security best practices when building docker container images, and each […]

J-Spring Digital: Graeme Rocher – Micronaut Deep Dive

This session is for developers looking to go beyond the basics with Micronaut, a new microservices and serverless framework for Java, Kotlin, and Groovy. Taking an extensive look at how advanced features such as dependency injection (DI), aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation work, the creator of Micronaut, Graeme Rocher, will walk attendees through […]

J-Fall 2021:Marcin Pakulnicki, Tim Linschoten, Pierre Venter – Bakery Platform : API orchestration taken to next level

When you develop critical banking customer interactions, your API can quickly get complex. An API which opens a straightforward bank account, calls up to 20 other microservices for checks like: age, identity, product possession, possible arrears, blockades, Anti-money laundry checks, additional accountholders, and many others. If we would code all interactions in an imperative style, […]