.Net Technologies

52 Videos

Future Tech 2021: Amber Vanderburg – The Power of Performance Feedback

Feedback is a critical part of performance. The way you give and receive feedback directly affects the outcomes of your team. If you’re like most people, the feedback you provide is often vague, inconsistent, nuanced, and generally ineffective. And furthermore, the way you receive feedback likely isn’t working for you. To unlock real performance improvement- […]

Future Tech 2019: Håkan Silfvernagel – Affective Computing – What is it and why should I care?

Research have shown that emotions play an integral role in decision making, cognition, perception, learning and more. If we want our computers to be intelligent and be able to interact with us we need to ensure that they are able to recognize, understand and express emotions. This is the basic assumption of the field of […]

Future Tech 2019: Roelant Dieben – Rub a little AI on it

Whether it was Voltaire or “Uncle Ben” Parker who said it first, but with great power comes great responsibility. It seems almost everyone in marketing and product development is searching for ways to integrate artificial intelligence in any way possible, but is ‘rubbing some AI on it’ always the anwser and what problems can an […]

Future Tech 2021: Heini Ilmarinen – Machine Learning 102 – Beyond the Visual Tools

It has never been this easy to get started with machine learning. Just pick up one of the visual tools and boom! You have trained your first machine learning model! But how far can you really get with a visual tool? Should you switch over to using notebooks and code, and if so – when […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Gian Paolo Santopaolo – gRPC is the new WCF

Google RPC and Protocol Buffers are becoming industry standards for exchanging data across systems; they are now natively integrated into .Net Core to become the new WCF with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking, and authentication. gRPC benefits from new features introduced in HTTP/2 like framing, bidirectional streaming, header compression, multiplexing, and flow […]

Future Tech 2021: Annie Talvasto – Top new CNCF projects to look out for

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) bought you such fan favorites like Kubernetes & Prometheus. In this talk Annie Talvasto will introduce you the most interesting and coolest upcoming CNCF tools and projects. This compact and demo-filled talk will give you ideas and inspiration that you can 1) discover new technologies and tools to use […]

Future Tech 2019: Gian Paolo Santopaolo – AI for every developer

Artificial Intelligence is changing everything from how we live to how we work and even how we think. It is transforming our lives. As a developer, you should be part of it. And this is the right place where to start with a deep overview of what AI (Artificial Intelligence) /ML (Machine Learning) /DL (Deep […]

Future Tech 2019: Brenno de Winter – Resilience starts with code. Any attack starts with code

Bad code installed and smart exploits created. As soon as espionage or other APT’s are involved vague terms, lack of understanding and especially fear kick in. Common sense dictates other behavior. In this talk we focus on what we can do, what we should do and especially what you can do. Surviving digital xenophobia begins with replacing […]

Future Tech 2021: Brendan Burns – Why should you care about microservices?

Are microservices really a technical innovation? Or are they really about ideal team design? At the end of the day, technology changes rapidly, but people change slowly, if ever. This means that to truly build great systems, we need to understand how to enable our teams to excel, as well as how to use the […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Kenzie Whalen – Uno – A Platform to Rule Them All

Today’s users expect to be able to access their apps from multiple platforms but deploying to mobile, desktop, and web can be challenging even for a team of experienced developers. The Uno Platform allows developers to quickly develop and deploy to Android, iOS, UWP, and WebAssembly using a single shared codebase written in C# and […]