J-Fall 201954 Videos

J-Fall 2019: Wouter Oet & Vincent Oostindië – Keynote 1: Going live, in 10, 9, 8…!

Last year Rabobank talked about its new platform, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, that enables development teams to build and run their applications much quicker, using modern technologies. This year we’re going to take it one step further. We’ll create an app and deploy it, live on stage, to production!

J-Fall 2019: Hanno Embregts & Maarten Mulders – Beware of Survivorship Bias!

Most talks on a typical conference schedule contain success stories of technology. This could lead to survivorship bias. Survivorship bias causes you to draw false conclusions because you mostly heard about successes, but hardly ever about failures. Yet failures provide us with lots of valuable knowledge: when not to apply a certain technique, pattern or […]

J-Fall 2019: Alex Soto – Supersonic, Subatomic Java with Quarkus

Java was born in the mid-90s, the era of TLC and Boyz II Men, long before the rise of Linux server virtualization and the Linux container. We took great pride in running Java applications for weeks if not months without restarts and Java assumed the whole computer belonged to itself, that it could consume all […]

J-Fall 2019: Roel Spilker & Reinier Zwitserloot – The mistakes we made in a open source project

Full title: J-Fall 2019: Roel Spilker & Reinier Zwitserloot – The 7 biggest mistakes we made in 10 years of running a major open source project Roel and Reinier of Project Lombok (the Java boilerplate busting tool) explain their top 7 mistakes made over the past 10 years of creating and maintaining an open source […]

J-Fall 2019: Ray Tsang – Developing With Kubernetes

Ray has been on a 6-months rotation with an internal Google team to help bringing a project to public Cloud using cloud-native technology stack and Kubernetes. Ray will share the architecture, development environment technicals, devops tools, and some tough decisions that needed to be made to move the project along while being prepared for changes […]

J-Fall 2019: Koen Adolfs & Maarten Spit – Keynote 2: Our API journey to digital ecosystems

ABN AMRO sees business models based on platforms and digital ecosystems are evolving rapidly and soon will be the new normal. The emerging role of APIs drive these innovations and the role of banks will inevitable change. With Open Banking, ABN AMRO is investing a lot in APIs and digital platforms to foster the business […]

Dmitry Kornilov – Building cloud-native microservices with project Helidon

MicroProfile is a collection of Java APIs and technologies for developing microservices portable across multiple runtimes. Project Helidon is a high-efficient modern MicroProfile implementation plus a reactive “zero-magic” functional style APIs, GraalVM integration, gRPC support and other cool features. Come to this session to learn about project Helidon. As part of the presentation I will […]

J-Fall 2019: Erik Hooijmeijer – Decompiling Kotlin

While my colleagues revelled in Kotlin’s new features, I was curious how exactly these features are achieved on the JVM. So I spent some time reading byte code and decompiling Kotlin into Java with sometimes hilarious results 🙂 In this presentation a take some example code in Kotlin, compile it and then decompile it with […]

J-Fall 2019 Aftermovie

J-Fall 2019 was a huge success! Relive the J-Fall experience right here with the aftermovie of J-Fall 2019!

The opening of J-Fall 2019!

The official start of J-Fall 2019!