Cloud & Serverless

46 Videos

J-Fall Virtual 2020: Alex Soto – Serverless-Native Java with Quarkus

Serverless architecture is exactly the opposite of a monolith architecture, small services (or functions) running in a constrained running environment (limited access to CPU and memory). Furthermore, as we move to a model where we pay per usage, the services might need to go from 0 to infinite instances in a matter of milliseconds to […]

J-Fall Virtual 2020: Duncan Bloem – Migration strategy from (10-15yr) old Java-EE app to modern cloud native apps

10 to 15yrs ago, ABN begun leveraging internet banking. Many (thousands) of web-app were written in java-ee style, deploy on IBM Websphere clustered machines. Remote EJB2 and JNDI was the prefered way to create small and flexible applications. Everything was focussed to _prevent_ deployments at all costs. Because of the long deployment cycle. Nowadays, we […]

J-Fall Virtual 2020: Josh Long – Keynote: Cloud Native Java, Redux

Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman) for a guided tour to a ton of the features, patterns and principles that support you when building productions-optimized cloud native Java applications. Bio Josh: Josh (@starbuxman) has been the first Spring Developer Advocate since 2010. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 6 books (including O’Reilly’s “Cloud […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: April Edwards & Abel Wang – Agile to DevOps with GitHub Actions

Especially for the Future Tech Masterclasses, Microsoft’s April Edwards and Abel Wang will do a joint session! They’ll share all the excitement around agile working, DevOps, and how you can use GitHub Actions to deploy your applications! Bio April: April is a senior software engineer and cloud advocate for Microsoft specializing in datacentre modernization and […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Scott Hunter – .NET Cloud Native and Microservices

Today you hear terms like Microservices, Kubernetes, Containers and Docker. In this talk Scott Hunter from the .NET will talk about all the features in .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 that make .NET the best platform for building cloud native applications. You will learn about enhancements to Web API’s with Open API the new […]

J-Spring 2019: Bert Ertman – Are We Really Cloud-Native?

As Java developers we are used to adjusting ourselves in heterogeneous environments and so over the last ten years or so we gained experience with PaaS, VMs, Containers, DevOps, Continuous Integration and Microservices Architectures. Now a new phenomenon arises: building greenfield applications with the intent of using agile application development and architecting specifically for the […]

J-Spring 2019: Burr Sutter – Supersonic, Subatomic Java with Quarkus

Introducing The rise in popularity of the Linux® container as the primary way to package your application seemed like a simple change on the surface. Yet, as we saw with the Java Docker Fail problem, it was not a transition completely without challenges for the Java™ community. Furthermore, we have now seen a number […]

TEQnation 2019: Erwin de Gier – Building a cloud native Crypto Currency platform with WebFlux

Full title: Building a cloud native Crypto Currency trading platform with Spring WebFlux Using events is a powerful alternative to REST-based communication in microservices. However, it comes with its own challenges: For instance, dealing with eventual consistency, synchronisation of state, and writing code which can handle asynchronous business logic. In this talk we explain how […]

TEQnation 2019: Arno Broekhof – DataScience as a Service

Nowadays almost everybody is talking about DataScience / Machine Learning, containers, cloud and going serverless. what if we could combine all those elements to form one microservice landscape? Nice right!? In this session i will start of with sharing my thoughts about it and then do a live demo where i will: – start containerising […]