TEQnation 2019: Arno Broekhof – DataScience as a Service

Nowadays almost everybody is talking about DataScience / Machine Learning, containers, cloud and going serverless. what if we could combine all those elements to form one microservice landscape? Nice right!? In this session i will start of with sharing my thoughts about it and then do a live demo where i will: – start containerising a trained model. – deploy the container with the trained model to a container platform like kubernetes. – deploy a serverless environment on the same container platform. – create serverless functions to send and receive data from our trained model. – create a Single Page Application to visualize our trained model with the data retrieved from the serverless functions. After the session the attendees will have a basic understanding how all these things can be glued together to form 1 for the end user appearing application.

Bio Arno

Arno Broekhof works as Full Stack Data Engineer at DataWorkz. He focuses on creating big data systems where simplicity is key and can be very passionate about it! He also likes to help others and share knowledge

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