J-Spring 2021 Digital14 Videos

J-Spring 2021: Ana-Maria Mihalceanu – Five tips for performant microservices on Quarkus

When you move from the traditional n-tier architecture to the microservices architecture, you notice an increased number of interconnections between microservice processes. Microservices bring you autonomy in their development and deployment, but their coordination and performance are your new distributed challenges. Join my session to learn how to tame the increased number of interprocess communications, […]

J-Spring 2021: Jeroen Resoort – Serverless Java on Steroids with Knative, Micronaut & GraalVM

Micronaut and GraalVM enable us to build lightweight Java applications. KNative is a Kubernetes-based platform for deploying serverless workloads. This combination of frameworks makes it particularly easy for developers to get started with Serverless Java. In this talk we will develop several microservices with the Micronaut application framework, build them with GraalVM and deploy them […]