J-Spring 2021: Urs Peter & Jeroen Rosenberg – Intermediate / Advanced Kotlin Workshop

Do you have some Kotlin experience and want to take your skills to the next level? …then our hands-on workshop will get you there in no time.

Our expert track will enlighten you with the sophisticated yet easy-to-use Kotlin features that can unleash tremend ous power in your codebase.

The following is on the menu:

– Type-Safe Builders and DSLs
– You will learn how to write type-safe builders, which make the creation of internal DSL’s a snap.
– Coroutines, Channels, and Flow

Get to know the mind-blowing approach Kotlin takes on the concurrency side by playing with Coroutines and more advanced Concurrency constructs like Channels and Flow. You will also learn how easy it is to integrate Coroutines in your existing reactive stack like CompletableFuture, WebFlux, etc.
Spring Boot with Coroutines, Channels, and Flow

Finally, you will rewrite a reactive Spring Boot web application created in Java and WebFlux to Coroutines and experience the ease and peace of mind this approach can offer you. You will also create a streaming API based on ServerSentEvents that brings together all the reactive building blocks you learned previously.

We will provide a web IDE that allows you to complete all the challenges of your preference. So all you need is a browser, and off you go.

CU in class for a tasty cup of Kotlin 😉

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