Methodology & Culture39 Videos

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Peter Hilton – How to name things: the hardest problem in programming

Developers can get better at their craft by learning from the great writers who mastered theirs. Writing software isn’t the same as writing a novel, but there are parallels. Besides, advice from writers is better because writers have been struggling with their craft for many centuries, not just a few decades. It’s better-written as well. […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Roy van Rijn – Fostering an evolving architecture in the agile world

What is software architecture? Is it the decision to adopt microservices? Is it the document that describes the layers in your Java EE application? No, every line of code you commit is part of your evolving architecture. During this talk I’ll explain how we, at the Port of Rotterdam, manage our software architecture in an […]

J-Fall 2018: Bas Passon, Bram Starmans-van den Hout & Ole van Boeckel – Architectuur in haar context

Wat moeten Java-ontwikkelaars met een abstract begrip als architectuur? Dat hangt uiteraard af van de definitie. In een prikkelend gesprek nemen drie medewerkers je mee in de architectuurkeuzes de Belastingdienst maakt om haar Java-applicaties sneller en robuuster te kunnen ontwikkelen en beheren. In deze sessie hopen we inzicht te geven dat architectuur ons dagelijks werk […]

J-Fall 2018: Bram Starmans-van den Hout – Craftsmanship unraveled

Why does the word craftsmanship seems to me like the magic answer to almost all software-related non-technical challenges? Let’s dive into concepts like professionality, loyalty and responsibility. Where does one end and the other begin? What makes a professional Java-developer? Bram Starmans-van den Hout I work as a Java-architect at the Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax Authorities). […]

J-Fall 2018: Joost Lobbes – Rabo Online Banking – How Technology is changing an entire industry

Banks have transferred into Tech companies that are facing a new era, in which their business models will be completely changed by the opportunities that technology is now giving them. Instead of competing with each other, new competition is coming from FinTechs and BigTechs. Innovative products and customer experience are key in order to survive. […]

J-Fall 2018: Peter Hilton – Flat HTTP API Documentation

The way we write API docs is highly structured, natural to programmers, and wrong. HTTP API documentation typically looks nothing like the requests and responses it describes. This creates extra work for the reader to understand the documentation structure, and figure out how to translate that to code. It also makes it harder to spot […]

J-Fall 2018: Pieter van der Meer – The dyslexic programmer, creativity did not kill the cat

Dyslexia is generally considered a disability, prejudices are always in place (they are slow and can not read or write). To be honest some of it is true but they have other qualities that make them excellent developers. There are lot of misconceptions about dyslexia. Did you know that 40% of all the self made […]

J-Fall 2018: Rene Boere – The cool stuff about front-end development and platform engineering

De ontwikkelingen op het gebied van front-end gaan razendsnel. Gebruikers communiceren via meerdere kanalen met back-end systemen, via web-interfaces maar ook via apps en REST interfaces. 24×7 beschikbaarheid is de norm. Een nieuwe release? Graag volledig geautomatiseerd getest en snel naar productie. Hoe ontwikkel je op een professionele manier een front-end? Hoe ga je om […]

J-Fall 2018: Rosanne Joosten – Me, My Code and I

Some say they can read people and tell by their expressions or body language what kind of personality they have. But what if it is possible to read people from the code they write? It would perhaps be possible to tell who to avoid because they are a little bit aggressive and who to approach […]

J-Fall 2018: Roy Braam & Hilario Trindade – Going from nothing to production within an hour @ the Rabobank

What does it mean for a big financial company to go large scale to the public cloud? What effect has this on the 200+ teams? What is needed to enable teams migrating their services from an on-premises modular monolith to a microservices architecture based on PCF, while ‘keeping the shop open’? We will share our […]