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194 Videos

The Future of Augmented Reality

A conceptual view of how augmented reality may be used in the future. Although the video depicts the user with a smartphone, in the future it is more likely that the user will be wearing some form of augmented reality eyewear. Once refined and adapted, augmented reality will play a key role in the way […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Rene Boere & Pascal Snippen – Pushing the limits of Continuous Delivery

Containers, cloud platformen, Service Discovery en Continuous Delivery zijn technologieën die zich momenteel razendsnel ontwikkelen. We passen allemaal al jaren Continuous Integration gecombineerd met unittesten toe in onze projecten. In deze sessie geeft Quintor haar visie hoe we Continuous Integration de komende jaren zien evolueren naar een Continuous Delivery omgeving op Web-scale formaat, gebruikmakend van […]

The Artificial Intelligence revolution

Over the 20th century, the development of automated machinery has propelled modern industry and manufacturing into new heights of productivity. However, the cost of this technological advancement has been the displacement of millions of blue collar jobs across the world. In contrast, white-collar labour has always been regarded as safe from the kind of automation […]

The Power of Big Data and Psychographics

In a presentation at the 2016 Concordia Summit, Mr. Alexander Nix discusses the power of big data in global elections. Cambridge Analytica’s revolutionary approach to audience targeting, data modeling, and psychographic profiling has made them a leader in behavioral microtargeting for election processes around the world.

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Brian Benz – Top ways to deliver your code to the cloud

In this session, I’ll highlight the easiest ways for full stack developers to deliver their code to the cloud and the best ways to reliably make updates and maintain production cloud code. The focus will be on real-world examples with working demos using Linux command line tools, VMs, Docker, Kubernetes, serverless functions, open source tools […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Ruben van Vreeland – How we Hacked LinkedIn and What Happened Next

The greatest web companies are ramping up their security, and for good reason. In this talk we will go into and advanced XSS attack on LinkedIn with demo’s dissecting how it works. A talk from the hacker himself, that ends with practical mitigations and common pitfalls. Finally, we will zoom out and reflect on how […]

J-Fall 2018: Bas Passon, Bram Starmans-van den Hout & Ole van Boeckel – Architectuur in haar context

Wat moeten Java-ontwikkelaars met een abstract begrip als architectuur? Dat hangt uiteraard af van de definitie. In een prikkelend gesprek nemen drie medewerkers je mee in de architectuurkeuzes de Belastingdienst maakt om haar Java-applicaties sneller en robuuster te kunnen ontwikkelen en beheren. In deze sessie hopen we inzicht te geven dat architectuur ons dagelijks werk […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Rodrigo Dias & Jyoti Singh -Igniting the adoption of containers in the cloud for financial enterprises

ABN AMRO Bank is moving workloads to Azure Cloud. As a financial institution with 400+ development teams you have a great responsibility on how you organize your cloud and how you configure the services you use. One of the services that is used by ABN AMRO Bank is Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) for container workloads. […]