J-Fall 2018

55 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Jago de Vreede – Play an acoustic guitar with a Raspberry Pi

Although I’m a complete noob at playing the guitar. But not so with building stuff and building software, so why not having a Raspberry Pi play it? The first prototype was put together in less than a week, and was able to play a few songs a lot better than I ever will. There is […]

J-Fall 2018: Hubert A. Klein Ikkink – Skyrocketing Development Of Your Microservices With Micronaut

Micronaut is a complete framework for writing microservices and serverless functions using Java, Groovy and Kotlin with a focus on minimal resource usage and very fast startup times. In this session we will learn about the many features of Micronaut with a lot of code examples. We will see how to write a microservice in […]

J-Fall 2018: Billy Korando – Cloud Native Java with OpenJ9: Fast, lean and definitely mean

The economics of Cloud continues to dictate the need for radical changes to language runtimes. In this session lean about how OpenJDK with the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM is leading the way in creating an enterprise strength, industry leading Java runtime that provides the operational characteristics most needed for Java applications running in the Cloud. This […]

J-Fall 2018: Ignite Sessions

Hosted by Simon Maple Hanno Embregts – These Songs Would Make Some Great Code Comments Besides being useful, comments in source code can also be fun! This legendary StackOverflow post [1] tells me that sometimes a well-chosen joke put into source code can lighten the mood at work and make your developer life just a […]

J-Fall 2018: Rosanne Joosten – Me, My Code and I

Some say they can read people and tell by their expressions or body language what kind of personality they have. But what if it is possible to read people from the code they write? It would perhaps be possible to tell who to avoid because they are a little bit aggressive and who to approach […]

J-Fall 2018: Pim Otte – Ethereum: Unboxing the Truffle Box for Angular

Blockchain is een enorme hype. Maar hoe werkt het? Hoe bouwen we applicaties? In dit praatje beschouwen we een volledige stack voor applicaties op een blockchain, met een focus op welke componenten in een front-end bijdragen aan deze interactie. Na een beknopte introductie van blockchains duiken we de stack in. De technologiekeuze is het Ethereum […]

J-Fall 2018: Jan Ouwens – Don’t hack the JVM? ☠️💣💥

Don’t go to this talk! Your coworkers will not be happy when you come back to work tomorrow and start applying the things you’ll learn here. You’ll do a lot of damage. Mutating immutable objects is never a good idea. You shouldn’t be bypassing the constructor when you instantiate an object. You certainly don’t need […]

J-Fal 2018: Nicolai Parlog – Fun with var in Java 11

Since Java 10 you can use var to let the compiler infer a local variables type And thats pretty much it, right? Surprisingly, no! There are a lot of details to consider… is this JavaScript?! how exactly is the type inferred? where can I use var and what should I look out for? wont this […]

J-Fall 2018: Tim Prijn & Egbert Pot – Share your rocket-science-grade problems with hyper advanced Lightboard Technology

At the Rabobank we apply several forms of knowledge sharing. Besides, presentations, workshops, BrainBits, we now apply Lightboard Technology. This session will introduce and demo this form of knowledge sharing. At the end the attendees will know about the benefits, our learnings and of course how to create a board (with their team) themselves and […]

J-Fall 2018: Sander Mak – Java Modularity: the Year After

In September 2017 the long-awaited release of Java 9 gave us a new module system in Java. It also kick-started the release-train of frequent Java releases, with Java 11 being the first long-term supported Java version poised to take modules into the mainstream. So what has happened since the introduction of the module system? This […]