J-Fall 2018

55 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Jorrit van der Ven & Gijs Leussink – Why you should embrace Gradle and ditch Maven

Still using Maven as a build tool in your projects? If so, are you using it because you think it is a great tool, or just because you’ve always done it this way? Within 15 minutes we’ll share with you the reasons that made us ditch Maven and fall in love with our build tool […]

J-Fall 2018: Wouter Oet – Real team performance @ the Rabobank

Bringing business value to production can be hindered by many factors. From bad tooling & bad deployment environments to slow development cycles. In this talk I’ll show you the 3 factors you need to get right to have real team performance and bring business value fast. This is all based on our own experience at […]

J-Fall 2018: Tim Prijn & Egbert Pot – Share your rocket-science-grade problems with hyper advanced Lightboard Technology

At the Rabobank we apply several forms of knowledge sharing. Besides, presentations, workshops, BrainBits, we now apply Lightboard Technology. This session will introduce and demo this form of knowledge sharing. At the end the attendees will know about the benefits, our learnings and of course how to create a board (with their team) themselves and […]

J-Fall 2018: Oleg Šelajev – Developer’s Introduction to GraalVM

GraalVM is an integrated, polyglot, high-performance execution environment for dynamic, static, and native languages. It supports Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, other JVM languages, and can run the dynamic scripting languages JavaScript including node.js, Ruby, Python, and so on. In this practical session, we’ll learn how to begin using Graal on a typical Java and JavaScript […]

J-Fall 2018: Berwout de Vries Robles – Impromptu Orchestra

In recent years there have been some large developments in web technology. The introduction of HTTP/2 in 2015 has given new life to Server Sent Events as Reactive Streams. To explore these technologies with you, I have made an application that turns the audience into an orchestra using Reactive Streams. In the talk we will […]

J-Fall 2018: Paco van Beckhoven – Keeping your head cool with serverless voice controlled fan

Do you also wake up sweating during those hot summer nights, but you are too lazy to get out of bed to turn a fan on? Using serverless with Firebase Cloud Functions, Google Assistant, a Raspberry Pi and a bit of wiring I turned my old fan in a state of the art fan with […]

J-Fall 2018: Vincent Oostindië – Keynote: Cloud Foundry at Rabobank after 10 months of real use

Since January 1st this year Rabobank has put Pivotal Cloud Foundry in place as the to-be replacement of Rabobank’s Online Platform. Additionally, it’s positioned as “the” microservices platform within Rabobank as a whole. In the public cloud, by the way. Why did we select Cloud Foundry? What does this mean for developers? How are we […]

J-Fal 2018: Nicolai Parlog – Fun with var in Java 11

Since Java 10 you can use var to let the compiler infer a local variables type And thats pretty much it, right? Surprisingly, no! There are a lot of details to consider… is this JavaScript?! how exactly is the type inferred? where can I use var and what should I look out for? wont this […]

J-Fall 2018: Roderick Simons & Pepijn de Jong – Real world microservices: Starting-up from scratch!

In 2016, Yolt started on a journey to build a money management platform driven by PSD2 and Open Banking. Flash forward almost three years, and Yolt has grown to 500.000 users in the UK and has recently launched in Italy and France. In this talk we’ll share how Yolt evolved from a few Spring Boot […]

J-Fall 2018: Jettro Coenradie & Byron Voorbach – Learning to rank search results (Combine Machine Learning with Search)

With advanced tools available for search like Solr and Elasticsearch, companies are embedding search in almost all their products and websites. WIth more experienced users but also with smaller screens to show search results, returned the right results to a query becomes more demanding. Search engines provide lots of ways to influence the order of […]