J-Fall 201954 Videos

J-Fall 2019: Kaya Weers – To Lombok or not to Lombok?

Do you hate boilerplate code? Meet Project Lombok; a Java library which replaces a lot of boilerplate with just some simple annotations. Add @Getter to your class and you can get rid of all the getters. Add @toString to your class and get a free implementation of the toString method. Add @AllArgsConstructor to your class […]

J-Fall 2019: T. Drevers & J. van Weenen – Detecting hazardous situations with Apache Ignite

Full title: J-Fall 2019: Thomas Drevers & Joost van Weenen – Detecting potential hazardous situations in the Dutch railway planning with Apache Ignite. Every day millions of people travel by train through the Netherlands. Approximately 10.000+ train movements are planned on a daily basis for safe traveling on one of the busiest rail infrastructures in […]

J-Fall 2019: Sander Mak – Keeping Up With Java

It seems like keeping up to date with Java nowadays is an enormous task. Gone is the era of big, delayed Java releases that span years. We’re now getting a new major release every six months. What’s up with that? You’re probably still developing on Java 8, even though Java 13 is already available. Join […]

J-Fall 2019: Koen Adolfs & Maarten Spit – Keynote 2: Our API journey to digital ecosystems

ABN AMRO sees business models based on platforms and digital ecosystems are evolving rapidly and soon will be the new normal. The emerging role of APIs drive these innovations and the role of banks will inevitable change. With Open Banking, ABN AMRO is investing a lot in APIs and digital platforms to foster the business […]

J-Fall 2019: Wouter Oet & Vincent Oostindië – Keynote 1: Going live, in 10, 9, 8…!

Last year Rabobank talked about its new platform, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, that enables development teams to build and run their applications much quicker, using modern technologies. This year we’re going to take it one step further. We’ll create an app and deploy it, live on stage, to production!

J-Fall 2019: Hinse ter Schuur – Mikado and the Art of Refactoring

Do you know this feeling? Still struggling with a big refactoring… you promised your team that it would be finished within a day. But that was two days ago. You cannot just revert, because you already invested a lot of time. You have to go forward. But… the project is not compiling at all. If […]

J-Fall 2019: Jan-Hendrik Kuperus – Master Your Tools

Tired of agile workshops? Looking for some productivity tips that benefit *you*? It’s time to get selfish and learn how to do the same work you always do, but spend less time doing it. In a time where tools are plenty and new ones pop up constantly, I believe most of us don’t look beyond […]

J-Fall 2019: Nathan Perdijk – GraalVM in practice at the Dutch National Police

Full title: J-Fall 2019: Nathan Perdijk – GraalVM in practice at the Dutch National Police: running R from Scala in a Microservice architecture. A lot of the best Data Science is done in R, but getting R to run as a streaming application in a complex environment using only Open Source tooling is an absolute […]

J-Fall 2019: Jeroen Reijn – What’s a service mesh and why do i need one?

You’ve been creating this cloud-native microservice based architecture. Continuous delivery pipelines, cloud-based deployments, and Kubernetes managed Docker containers. You are ready to scale beyond your wildest dreams. Now, while taking a step back, you notice that your services contain more than just the business logic you intended to write. Proper communication is key in a […]

J-Fall 2019: Thodoris Bais & Werner Keil – How JSR 385 could have saved the Mars Climate Orbiter

In 1999, NASA lost the $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter as it went into orbital insertion. Due to a mismatch between US customary and SI units of measurements in one of the APIs, the spacecraft came too close to the planet, passed through the upper atmosphere and disintegrated. Sadly, this hasn’t been the only instance […]