Methodology & Culture39 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Roy Braam & Hilario Trindade – Going from nothing to production within an hour @ the Rabobank

What does it mean for a big financial company to go large scale to the public cloud? What effect has this on the 200+ teams? What is needed to enable teams migrating their services from an on-premises modular monolith to a microservices architecture based on PCF, while ‘keeping the shop open’? We will share our […]

TEQnation 2019: Ramon Wieleman & Artem Makarov – Get Shit Done – 25 tips to focus, get work done and become a better developer

Please excuse us for the bad audio quality at the start With the uprise of smartphones, social media and IoT, our day-to-day life is so much different than 10 years ago. We receive hundreds of notifications per day, our email inbox is getting filled on evenings and weekends and we only see successful people on […]

J-Spring 2018: Peter Hilton – Beautiful code: typography and visual programming

The way we visually present code today would do little to surprise the first owner of the 1955 IBM typewriter that introduced the Courier typeface. Since then, we’ve gained little more than bigger monitors, syntax colouring and better monospace typefaces. Meanwhile, layout and typography, already centuries old during the desktop publishing revolution thirty years ago, […]

Future Tech 2019: Geert van der Cruijsen – Chaos Engineering: The fine art of breaking stuff in production

Traditional monitoring solutions are dead. In the microservices and distributed systems era your complex landscape is never 100% up. If built well this shouldn’t matter. But how do you test it? There is really only 1 place to test high availability, fail saves, and other solutions that you implement to keep your system up and […]

TEQnation 2019: Marcel Kramer & Jonnes Bouma – Keynote: Open Source and sustainability

ABN AMRO will launch an Open Source community. This keynote is about how we moved this way. So the story about Open Source and how we as IT, by applying that, contribute to sustainability and what initiatives we’re doing in that space. Next to that what ABN already did last year in IoT like paying […]

J-Spring 2018: Daniel Bryant – Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architecture and Java

Modern Java applications are moving towards component-based architectures, as seen in the mainstream embrace of self-contained systems (SCS), microservices, and serverless architecture. We all know the benefits of component-based architectures, but there are also many challenges to delivering such applications in a continuous, safe, and rapid fashion. Daniel Bryant shares a series of patterns to […]

Future Tech 2019: Sander Hoogendoorn – How microteams change the way we collaborate. Again.

Introducing the next evolution in autonomous collaboration Over the years the way projects and teams operate in software development has changed quite a bit. From projects were teams were sliced vertically per discipline, to multi-disciplinary and cross-functional teams in agile approaches and frameworks. Now, as a consequence of increasing velocity, DevOps, DevSecOps and continuous delivery, […]

J-Spring 2019: Sven Peters – Less Process, more Autonomy with a Team Playbook

Teams are different, projects are different, problems are different. Why are we still trying to squeeze teamwork into department processes, adding bureaucracy, and having organizational layers that makes it harder and much slower to get work done? Join Sven Peters, former lead evangelist at Atlassian now K15t, as he talks about creating a Team Playbook […]

J-Fall 2018: Wouter Oet – Real team performance @ the Rabobank

Bringing business value to production can be hindered by many factors. From bad tooling & bad deployment environments to slow development cycles. In this talk I’ll show you the 3 factors you need to get right to have real team performance and bring business value fast. This is all based on our own experience at […]

Future Tech 2019: Pat Hermens – From Developer to Development Manager

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Over his career, Pat has grown from a Developer, to a Team Lead, through to a Development Manager at Coolblue. Let him take you on his fun-filled journey, highlighting all the mistakes he has made, so that you too don’t have to struggle as much […]