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194 Videos

J-Spring Digital: Brian Vermeer – Know thy neighbours: dependency management done right

We all love scaffolders like Spring Boot Initialzr. It creates a brand new app with all the latest versions of the libraries we need to get going, enabling us to build awesome applications quickly. But after creating our initial application who is responsible for the dependency management and what happens over time when new features […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: April Edwards & Abel Wang – Agile to DevOps with GitHub Actions

Especially for the Future Tech Masterclasses, Microsoft’s April Edwards and Abel Wang will do a joint session! They’ll share all the excitement around agile working, DevOps, and how you can use GitHub Actions to deploy your applications! Bio April: April is a senior software engineer and cloud advocate for Microsoft specializing in datacentre modernization and […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Rodrigo Dias & Jyoti Singh -Igniting the adoption of containers in the cloud for financial enterprises

ABN AMRO Bank is moving workloads to Azure Cloud. As a financial institution with 400+ development teams you have a great responsibility on how you organize your cloud and how you configure the services you use. One of the services that is used by ABN AMRO Bank is Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) for container workloads. […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Scott Hunter – .NET Cloud Native and Microservices

Today you hear terms like Microservices, Kubernetes, Containers and Docker. In this talk Scott Hunter from the .NET will talk about all the features in .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 that make .NET the best platform for building cloud native applications. You will learn about enhancements to Web API’s with Open API the new […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Michael Bentley – Azure DevOps is at the heart of the new Developer Engineering ECO System

In 2016 ABN AMRO IT sowed the seeds of change. Not one but two Public Clouds were added to a diverse IT landscape. Many development technologies were, and still are in use. The development tooling is predominantly IaaS and diverse. In 2019 a positive decision was taken to rationalise and simplify the IT landscape, to […]

J-Fall 2019: Dieter Hubau – A wild CVE appears! Rebuild all the containers!

Who doesn’t love a good Dockerfile? They are powerful and offer an easy, developer-friendly solution to packaging your applications in a standardized format. Yet they can require a lot of knowledge to construct properly and securely. Securing and maintaining these images can be hard to enforce at scale in the enterprise. Ask yourself: how long […]

J-Fall 2019: M. Förtsch & T. Endres – Deepfakes 2.0 – How Neural Networks are Changing our World

Full title: Martin Förtsch & Thomas Endres – Deepfakes 2.0 – How Neural Networks are Changing our World Imagine that you are standing in front of a mirror, but no longer see your own face, but through the eyes of Barack Obama or Angela Merkel. In real time, your own facial expressions are transferred to […]

J-Fall 2019: Ignite Sessions hosted by Brian Vermeer

Ko Turk – To all developers out there, don’t be afraid to use another IDE As a Java Developer nowadays everyone is using IntelliJ IDEA as default IDE. But there is more to see. You ever used Visual Studio Code? For sometime Java is supported by RedHat (installing a plugin is required). It is very […]

J-Fall 2019: Lucas Jellema & Adnan Drina – How and why GraalVM is quickly becoming relevant for you

Starting a Java application as fast as any executable with a memory footprint rivaling the most lightweight runtime engines is quickly becoming a reality, through Graal VM and ahead of time compilation. This in turn is a major boost for using Java for microservice and especially serverless scenarios. For a long time GraalVM seemed merely […]

J-Fall 2019: Wouter Oet & Vincent Oostindië – Keynote 1: Going live, in 10, 9, 8…!

Last year Rabobank talked about its new platform, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, that enables development teams to build and run their applications much quicker, using modern technologies. This year we’re going to take it one step further. We’ll create an app and deploy it, live on stage, to production!