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J-Fall 2019: Hinse ter Schuur – Mikado and the Art of Refactoring

Do you know this feeling? Still struggling with a big refactoring… you promised your team that it would be finished within a day. But that was two days ago. You cannot just revert, because you already invested a lot of time. You have to go forward. But… the project is not compiling at all. If […]

J-Fall 2019: Jan-Hendrik Kuperus – Master Your Tools

Tired of agile workshops? Looking for some productivity tips that benefit *you*? It’s time to get selfish and learn how to do the same work you always do, but spend less time doing it. In a time where tools are plenty and new ones pop up constantly, I believe most of us don’t look beyond […]

How to write the perfect developer job advertisement?

Struggling to write the perfect job advertisement? Is your job advertisement not standing out from the masses? Then follow these tips and write the perfect job advertisement for the perfect candidate!

J-Spring 2019 Keynote: Wouter Oet – Keynote: A life of working and learning in IT: Challenge accepted!

In an ever changing world, developers sometimes struggle to keep up with all the changes happening. There are just too many releases of languages, frameworks and libraries to keep up with. Not to mention the broadening of our profession. Pipelines, runtimes, security and Ops are also part of it. We are going to face that […]

J-Spring 2019: Emond Papegaaij – Oauth2 demystified

Almost every developer will have to face this at some point in his or her career: authorization with OAuth2. It doesn’t matter if you build mobile apps, web applications or even develop for embedded systems in the IoT, everybody seems to use OAuth2 nowadays. But how does this protocol work and what’s up with all […]

J-Spring 2019: Bert Ertman – Are We Really Cloud-Native?

As Java developers we are used to adjusting ourselves in heterogeneous environments and so over the last ten years or so we gained experience with PaaS, VMs, Containers, DevOps, Continuous Integration and Microservices Architectures. Now a new phenomenon arises: building greenfield applications with the intent of using agile application development and architecting specifically for the […]

J-Spring 2019: Onno Schellekens & Barry Lagerweij – Keynote: Can we use mobile technology to leapfrog universal health for developing countries?

Mobile technology is changing the world at a speed nobody can imagine. Industrial activities are being revolutionized. There is a real opportunity to use mobile technology to leapfrog healthcare in developing countries. Bio Onno Onno Schellekens is voorzitter van het Joep Lange Instituut en algemeen directeur van PharmAccess. Hij is medeoprichter van het Investment Fund […]

J-Spring 2019: Michel Schudel – Cryptography 101 for Java developers

So you’re logging in to your favorite crypto currency exchange over https using a username and password, executing some transactions, and you’re not at all surprised that, security wise, everything’s hunky dory… Ever wondered about the amount of cryptography begin used here? No? Let’s dive into the key concepts of cryptography then, and see how […]

J-Spring 2019: Brian Vermeer – Live exploiting your open source dependencies

Today, almost all software heavily relies on the use of third-party dependencies. While open source modules are undoubtedly awesome, they also represent an undeniable and massive risk. You’re introducing someone else’s code into your system, often with little or no scrutiny. Including the wrong package can introduce severe vulnerabilities, exposing your application and your user’s […]