Frontmania 202221 Videos

Frontmania 2022: Emil van Galen – TypeScript Yin-Yang

Traditionally, TypeScript has often been described as a language that’s a superset of JavaScript. During the talk, we will use Yin-Yang as an analogy to do a side-by-side comparison of TypeScript with JavaScript. This to explain that TypeScript is much more a tool than an actual language. Where TypeScript, besides being a static type checker […]

Frontmania 2022: Kilian Valkhof – Stop using JavaScript for that

Common patterns implemented with JavaScript are being replaced with “native” CSS and HTML equivalents that end up being more performant, more accessible and more resilient. Features like accordions, Autosuggest, smooth scrolling, dialogs, parallax scrolling and more no longer need JavaScript to work. We’ll walk through common JS features that now have CSS and HTML equivalents […]