Future Tech 202217 Videos

Future Tech 2022: Eduard Keilholz – Forget SignalR! Start working real-time with Azure Web PubSub

Getting real-time information on processes and operations is essential when creating convenient, user-friendly web systems. With Web PubSub, Microsoft took the next step by enabling your to leverage real-time communication right from your browser. In this session, I will show you how to use Web PubSub and discover some advanced scenarios using alternative protocols, that […]

Future Tech 2022: Georgia Zarnomitrou & Lars Nonnekes – Securing and migrating older projects

Full title: Securing and migrating older projects to newer technologies Every year innovative technologies and frameworks are emerging in the Information Technology industry. Additionally, security is becoming a vital requirement and new precautions need to be taken to safeguard personal data and protect users from cyber-attacks in applications. Applying new security measures and using new […]