J-Fall 201954 Videos

J-Fall 2019: H.J. Knol, H. Seinhorst, M. van Drie & J. van Wijnen – IT Leadership Summit

Full title: J-Fall 2019: Hosts Bert Ertman & Erik Bakker – Panel members: Henk Jan Knol, Hardy Seinhorst, Michel van Drie & Joyce van Wijnen – IT Leadership Summit This brand new summit promises to be something different and is a scoop for J-Fall. Four Executive IT leaders from well-known organizations will discuss the following […]

J-Fall 2019: Hanno Embregts & Maarten Mulders – Beware of Survivorship Bias!

Most talks on a typical conference schedule contain success stories of technology. This could lead to survivorship bias. Survivorship bias causes you to draw false conclusions because you mostly heard about successes, but hardly ever about failures. Yet failures provide us with lots of valuable knowledge: when not to apply a certain technique, pattern or […]

J-Fall 2019: Hinse ter Schuur – Mikado and the Art of Refactoring

Do you know this feeling? Still struggling with a big refactoring… you promised your team that it would be finished within a day. But that was two days ago. You cannot just revert, because you already invested a lot of time. You have to go forward. But… the project is not compiling at all. If […]

J-Fall 2019: Ignite Sessions hosted by Brian Vermeer

Ko Turk – To all developers out there, don’t be afraid to use another IDE As a Java Developer nowadays everyone is using IntelliJ IDEA as default IDE. But there is more to see. You ever used Visual Studio Code? For sometime Java is supported by RedHat (installing a plugin is required). It is very […]

J-Fall 2019: Jaap Coomans – Mocking your microservices with mock-server

How can I test my microservices? It’s an often heard question that leads to a lot of debate. Deployment and interdependence with other services are the challenges we’re facing there. So, what if we could treat our microservices tests just like our familiar unit tests? What if we could isolate the microservice and mock all […]

J-Fall 2019: Jan Ouwens – Java From a Parallel Universe

Do you get excited about Java when you’re at a conference, learning about cool new features and tools to try? Do you get sad the next day, when you’re back at work building enterprise applications in an ancient version of Java? You’re not alone. In this talk, we will explore what Java looks like in […]

J-Fall 2019: Jan-Hendrik Kuperus – Master Your Tools

Tired of agile workshops? Looking for some productivity tips that benefit *you*? It’s time to get selfish and learn how to do the same work you always do, but spend less time doing it. In a time where tools are plenty and new ones pop up constantly, I believe most of us don’t look beyond […]

J-Fall 2019: Jay Rajani – Kafka vs CQRS+Event Sourcing

Kafka has rapidly become very popular, even small to evolve enterprises are noticing it. Why not? Kafka is one of the best stream processing platforms right now. The recent trend in Microservices also gave a boost to this increase in popularity of Kafka. But wait is it a de facto standard. Do we really need […]

J-Fall 2019: Jeroen Reijn – What’s a service mesh and why do i need one?

You’ve been creating this cloud-native microservice based architecture. Continuous delivery pipelines, cloud-based deployments, and Kubernetes managed Docker containers. You are ready to scale beyond your wildest dreams. Now, while taking a step back, you notice that your services contain more than just the business logic you intended to write. Proper communication is key in a […]

J-Fall 2019: Job Rooseman & Ernst Noorlander – Continue performance validatie

De Belastingdienst heeft bijna 100 Java ontwikkelteams waarvan de meeste, tijdens de ontwikkeling van de Java applicaties en services, meerdere performance testen uitvoeren. Vaak worden deze testen geautomatiseerd in de delivery pipeline uitgevoerd. Geautomatiseerd performance testen is de eerste stap naar een aanpak die de “shift-left” (lees performance engineering) wordt genoemd. De volgende stap in […]