J-Spring 202219 Videos

J-Spring 2022: Vinicius Senger – Architectures for low power consumption and better cost/performance

Full title: J-Spring 2022: Vinicius Senger – Greencode: Sustainable Java architectures for low power consumption and better cost/performance https://jspring.nl In this talk, we will discuss the importance of sustainability as one of the pillars of modern software architectures in addition to other pillars such as scalability, performance, security, availability, and manageability. Sustainable architectures are architectures […]

J-Spring 2022: Oleg Selajev – Mastering Testcontainers for better integration tests

https://jspring.nl https://nljug.org Testcontainers libraries are a great way to create a reliable environment for running tests. It provides programmable, lightweight, and disposable containers to give you more confidence in your integration tests. Getting started with Testcontainers is super straightforward, but have you looked into more advanced features to supercharge your test suite? In this session, […]

J-Spring 2022: Peter Hilton – Modelling universal values

https://jspring.nl https://nljug.org Why domain modelling doesn’t stop at the attribute level Modelling tends to focus on what’s specific to your domain, which means starting from the beginning, all the way down to the level of individual number and text values. But data such as telephone numbers and people’s names have been around for longer than […]

J-Spring 2022: Tom Cool – Learning Through Tinkering

https://jspring.nl https://nljug.org Do you also feel like it’s hard to keep up with all the new tools and frameworks coming your way? You are not alone! By choosing IT, you are choosing to learn for the rest of your life… not an easy task. In this session we’ll look into some concepts that will help […]