TEQnation47 Videos

TEQnation 2022: Sohan Maheshwar – Architecting in the Cloud for Sustainability

Efficiency in every aspect of cloud infrastructure can accelerate the sustainability of your workloads through optimization and informed architecture patterns. This session will dive deeper into Sustainability techniques for your cloud workloads, and provide direction on reducing the energy and carbon impact of AWS architectures. The talk will cover user patterns, software design, and AWS […]

TEQnation 2022: Urs Peter – Event-Driven Microservices = Microservices Done Right

Are you slowly getting this uncomfortable feeling that Microservices might have brought you more trouble than relief? Have your Microservices turned into a landscape of distributed monoliths, tightly coupled and tangled, where a failure of one service cascades to many others? Have you implemented complex circuit breaker logic and other retry mechanisms or made essential […]

TEQnation 2022: Carl in ‘t Veld – Building microservices with .NET and DAPR

With the distributed application runtime (DAPR) Microsoft has introduced a very interesting way to standardize your container workloads from a software engineering perspective. In this session we will be building some microservices together using .NET and showcase the value that DAPR brings to the table. With DAPR your workload suddenly becomes cloud agnostic and you […]

TEQnation 2022: Dave Bitter – Remix party, you’re invited!

Remix is a great framework to build robust, progressively enhanced and interactive web apps! During Covid we all missed the Parties…. therefore Dave will create his own party on stage. He will take you on a fun journey on how he created a multi-user and real-time progressive web app. But be aware, there is a […]

TEQnation 2022: Pieter van der Meer – Certificates and encryption; All you need to know, but…

Certificates are everywhere: in between; on the server; and even on your own devices. Even the people who don’t know what a certificate is, still look for the lock in the address bar. And if they don’t, they should. For people working with certificates daily, “Zero Trust” is something that is a standard that has […]

TEQnation 2022: Paul van der Slot – Writing cleaner code with Domain-Driven Design

I always thought that my code was fine. I took my time for naming things, wrote small classes/methods and tried to use other Clean Code practices. But after a job interview with a technical coach, I was pointed towards Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and some other design topics. I could learn a lot from it, said […]

TEQnation 2019: Gabriel Bianconi – Introduction to Face Processing with Computer Vision

Note: Please excuse us for the fact the video cut off early. Ever wonder how Facebook’s facial recognition or Snapchat’s filters work? Faces are a fundamental piece of photography, and building applications around them has never been easier with open-source libraries and pre-trained models. In this talk, we’ll help you understand some of the computer […]

TEQnation 2019: Robert van Mölken – Programming your autonomous drone with Droneblocks and Python

Note: Please excuse us for the audio quality Currently many things are being made autonomous. In this geeky sessions we are going to make our own autonomous drone using the Ryze/DJI Tello. One thing that sets the Tello apart from other drones is that you can program it movements using multible programming languages. In this […]

TEQnation 2019: Willem Veelenturf & Bob Bijvoet – Building a global, scalable front-end platform

Please excuse us for the audio quality ING is aiming to become one global bank. This means that all of the front-end engineers will be working together on realizing one global front-end platform. A platform that enables squads to deliver value to our customer faster than ever. To realize this goal, all international programs sat […]

TEQnation 2019: Jeroen Resoort – Mesh Networking for IoT

It can be challenging to keep your IOT devices connected to a reliable network and with a good battery life. Find out how mesh networking can help you out! By using mesh technology we will connect multiple devices to the internet using low power device-to-device communication. You can expect to see live demo’s and coding […]