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J-Fall 2018: Kenny Baas-Schwegler & João Rosa – From EventStorming to CoDDDing

To really understand what our users need so that we can build the right thing, we want to have a first-hand experience of ‘real-life stories’ before we model and create our software. To quote Alberto Brandolini “it is not the domain expert’s knowledge that goes into production, it is the developer’s assumption of that knowledge […]

J-Fall 2018: NLJUG Innovation Award – YOLT

Yolt is door een vakjury van experts gekozen tot de winnaar van de NLJUG Innovation Award 2018. De NLJUG, deed deze onthulling tijdens de openingsceremonie van J-Fall, een event voor 1500 software engineers. Yolt is een applicatie die gebruikers in staat stelt om eenvoudig hun persoonlijke financiën te managen, door betaal- en spaarrekeningen, credit cards, […]

J-Fall 2018: Opening movie

J-Fall 2018 heeft ruim 1.500 Java professionals mogen ontvangen voor de beste sessies en workshops over Java in de bioscoopzalen van Pathé Ede. De dag startte met de early bird sessies, maar de echte opening begon met deze film. Alle lof voor de maker van deze film: Michiel van MediaTaal ( http://www.mediataal.com/ )

J-Fall 2018: Paulo Lopes – Building native images for fun and profit

GraalVM allows you to compile your programs ahead-of-time into a native executable. The resulting program does not run on the Java HotSpot VM, but uses necessary components like memory management, thread scheduling from a different implementation of a virtual machine, called Substrate VM. Native images are fast and slim in resources therefore a perfect fit […]

J-Fall 2018: Shashi Ranjan Kumar & Nilesh Saurabh – Amplifying Test Automation using REST Assured

Rest assured is a java library used specifically for component level testing of the REST services (java or any other). We have enhanced the basic REST assured framework to incorporate components integration testing which has been further integrated within CICD pipeline as well. There were around 100 integration test cases in our project including 17 […]

J-Fall 2018: Simon Ritter – All The Way To 11: The Future of Java

Java is the most popular development platform on the planet, with literally millions of developers and users and over twenty years of development. In this presentation, we’ll start with a discussion about where Java is today. The current release is JDK 11. Moving applications from JDK 8 to a later release requires careful attention to […]

J-Fall 2018: Vincent Oostindië – Keynote: Cloud Foundry at Rabobank after 10 months of real use

Since January 1st this year Rabobank has put Pivotal Cloud Foundry in place as the to-be replacement of Rabobank’s Online Platform. Additionally, it’s positioned as “the” microservices platform within Rabobank as a whole. In the public cloud, by the way. Why did we select Cloud Foundry? What does this mean for developers? How are we […]

J-Fall 2019: Wouter Oet & Vincent Oostindië – Keynote 1: Going live, in 10, 9, 8…!

Last year Rabobank talked about its new platform, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, that enables development teams to build and run their applications much quicker, using modern technologies. This year we’re going to take it one step further. We’ll create an app and deploy it, live on stage, to production!

J-Spring 2018 aftermovie

J-Spring 2018 took place on the 31st of May at TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht. The NLJUG looks back on a very successful event with enthusiastic and constructive responses from the community! With over 500 visitors, 18 speakers including 8 Java Champions (!) and great quality content, it was a great day. Thanks to everyone who joined us […]