J-Fall 2024

Paul van der Slot - Getting unstuck in levelling up - Patterns for personal development

Sean Li Pierre Malarme - Oh No, Not Another Chatbot - Java and AI for Real Business Use Cases

Alexander Chatzizacharias - Let’s use IntelliJ as a game engine, just because we can

Brian Vermeer - Cracking the Code: AI Hallucinations and Live Hacking

Ignite Sessions

Frank & Vik Delporte Looking at Music, an experiment with Kotlin, JavaFX, MIDI, and Virtual Threads

Tom Cools - Optimizing Santa's travels with Timefold

Guus de Wit - Confessions of a Shortcut-a-holic

Jan Ouwens - Building a bullshit language

Full Interview with Sharat & Venkat J Fall 2024

Pim Tegelaar - Spring Modulith: slicing onions without crying

Marianne Hoornenborg - Debugging the Mind: Sharpen Your Problem-Solving Skills

Sara Larsson - How to get your team to care about code quality

Guus Klinkenberg - From Puzzles to Proficiency: The Opportunities of Coding Competitions

Benoit Viguier - The Power of Open-Source, how pet projects help your daily work

Parichay Banerjee - Modernising J-Unit with test data generators

Nicolai Parlog - Java 23 - Better Language, Better APIs, Better Runtime

Roald Nefs - Pwning your Java service

Ramon Wieleman, Nuno Cruz and Artem Makarov - The Java Pub Quiz

Mehmet Akif Tütüncü - Exploring the JVM Landscape: Java, Kotlin, and Scala

Georges de Boeck - That’s a Wrap: Learn Storytelling from Storytellers

Bram Patelski - 10 Top OWASP projects beyond the OWASP Top 10

Maarten Mulders - The State of Server-Side Java Webapps

Bert Jan Schrijver & Brian Vermeer - Opening talk from the NLJUG

Bouke Nijhuis - TDD & generative AI - a perfect pairing?

Marharyta Nedzelska & Evgeny Mandrikov - Code coverage MythBusters

Dennie Declercq - Coding a Disability Inclusive World: 3 Stories

Hannes Lowette - Your developer’s intelligence isn’t artificial

Stephan Janssen - The Era of AAP: Ai Augmented Programming using only Java

Josh Long - Bootiful Spring Boot: A DOGumentary

Hanno - Java's Concurrency Journey Continues! Exploring Structured Concurrency and Scoped Values

Ana Maria Mihalceanu - Monitoring Java Application Security with JDK Tools and JFR Events

Jos Roseboom - How package encapsulation with Spring Modulith simplified our code

Sharat Chander - 30 years of Java, oh my!

Tom Cools - Braving the Change: recalibrating to new realities

Elvira van der Ven - From Data to Information: My insightful journey

Rijo Sam - Tulips to Turmeric: Lessons Learned from a Global Team

Martin Förtsch, Thomas and Jonas - The AI Elections: How Technology Could Shape Public Sentiment

Jessica Siewert - Help! I hate my teammate!

Ivan Ponomarev - Inside Out Java: Exploring Data Structures with JOL Visualization

NLJUG - Innovation Awards

Tim te Beek - Generative AI on millions of lines of code; a recipe for success?

Wilfred Luijk - Discover Your Java Superpowers: Spring Boot, Heroku & JetBrains AI

Auke Haanstra - From Monolith to Modulith: Unlocking the Power of Hexagonal Architecture in Java

Elias Nogueira - Datafaker: the most powerful fake data generator library

Tom Eugelink - Are functional tests the way to go?

Ko Turk - Your frontend is killing! Let's measure it's impact with CO2.js

Julien & Josian - Model Mitosis: Stop making the wrong choice between microservices and monolith

Urs Peter - From 0 to H-AI-ro: Unlock the power of generative AI with LangChain4j and Spring AI

Daniel Garnier-Moiroux and Alina Yurenko - Migrating Spring Boot apps to GraalVM

Peter Wessels - Battling your Biased Brain

Adele Carpenter - Are Rewrites always a Bad Idea?

Gerrit Grunwald - Trash Talk - Exploring the memory management in the JVM

NLJUG Update & Innovation award

Ramona Domen - We need you - Accessibility on web

Marcel Schutte - Architecting for Tomorrow: A Pragmatic Perspective

Johan Hutting - Open sourcing a library: how hard can that be?

Ties van de Ven - Empowering Your Development with FP: Understanding and Practice

Julian Exenberger - Valhalla: bringing the JVM into the 21st Century

Bert Jan Schrijver - NLJUG Modern IT Leadership Summit 2024

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