Future Tech 2019

26 Videos

Future Tech 2019: Rick van den Bosch – Securing an Azure Function REST API with Azure Active Directory

This session will show you how to secure your Azure Functions powered REST API using Azure Active Directory, and how to consume this API from an Angular front-end. Bio Rick van den Bosch I’m a Cloud Solutions Architect who has been working with Microsoft Azure since its very first introduction. I have performed numerous Azure […]

Future Tech 2019: Geert van der Cruijsen – Chaos Engineering: The fine art of breaking stuff in production

Traditional monitoring solutions are dead. In the microservices and distributed systems era your complex landscape is never 100% up. If built well this shouldn’t matter. But how do you test it? There is really only 1 place to test high availability, fail saves, and other solutions that you implement to keep your system up and […]

Future Tech 2019: Edwin van Wijk – Building IoT solutions using Azure IoT Edge

Azure IoT Edge is a service that enables you to build distributed IoT solutions that leverage “edge” devices. The IoT Edge runtime uses the power of containerization with Docker to run Machine Learning jobs, Stream Analytics jobs, Azure functions or custom code on edge devices like a PC, a Raspberry Pi, a robot or a […]

Future Tech 2019: Alessandro Vozza – Deploying scalable Machine Learning models with Kubernetes

Where data scientists meet DevOps: how to deploy, manage, train and serve Machine Learning models at scale in the cloud with popular open source tools like Kubeflow, on the most popular container orchestration and microservices: Kubernetes. Applying widespread concepts like continuous delivery and infrastructure as code, we will show how simple and streamlined it can […]

Future Tech 2019: James Ashely – DIY Deep Fakes

Deep neural networks provide new and better ways to perform useful tasks like face recognition and search optimization. But they can also be used to do unexpected – and even unwanted — things like photoshopping full videos, placing one person’s face on another person’s body. In this presentation, I will walk you through the technology […]

Aftermovie Future Tech 2019

Future Tech was a huge succes with 600 future technology addicts! A big thank you to everyone who contributed in any way and of course to every visitor present! Were you not there? or do you want a recap of what Future Tech was like? Then take a look at this awesome aftermovie!