Future Tech

112 Videos

Future Tech 2021: Heini Ilmarinen – Machine Learning 102 – Beyond the Visual Tools

It has never been this easy to get started with machine learning. Just pick up one of the visual tools and boom! You have trained your first machine learning model! But how far can you really get with a visual tool? Should you switch over to using notebooks and code, and if so – when […]

Future Tech 2021: Menno Jongerius – Introduction to some of the coolest new C#9 features

Whether as a value type in domain driven design or as data transfer object, there are plenty of situations that call for immutable objects. But so far creating them was a hassle in .NET. Not anymore with the introduction of record types in C#9. During this session we will start to have a look at […]

Future Tech 2021: Bart Kooijmans – Google and Amazon cloud for the Azure developer

Going to the cloud is a given. Endless possibilities with over 200 managed services, global coverage with datacenters everywhere and you are charged per usage. But which cloud should you use? As a Microsoft developer, you’d choose Azure right?! In this session I’ll show you the similarities between the three major clouds Microsoft Azure, Amazon […]

Future Tech 2021: Rick van den Bosch – Get a grip! – Managing your APIs with API Management

This session helps you organize and monetize your data and services by creating an API gateway and developer portal using API Management. Azure API Management is a turnkey solution for publishing APIs to external and internal customers. In this session we’re showing you the ropes on setting up and managing API Management.

Future Tech 2021: Vincent Hendriks – Containerization is improving your dev experience!

Docker has changed IT by making it a lot easier to ship your products, but what about the development experience? In this session i will talk about what containerization can do for the developer itself, teams and organizations. It’s not just about shipping products themselves. Topics I will be talking about are containerized dev environments […]

Future Tech 2021: Håkan Silfvernagel – Machine learning in the browser using TensorFlow.js

In order to start out with machine learning you typically would need to learn Python, Tensorflow, Jupyter Notebook etc. But what if you could run your machine learning straight in the browser. This can be done through Tensorflow.js. In this session you will get an introduction so that you can use it in your own […]

Future Tech 2021: Steve Gordon – Let’s Talk HTTP in .NET Core

In the world of microservices (yes, there’s that buzzword again!) and distributed systems, we often find ourselves communicating over HTTP. What seems like a simple requirement can quickly become complicated! Networks aren’t reliable and services fail. Dealing with those inevitable facts and avoiding a cascading failure can be quite a challenge. In this talk, Steve […]

Future Tech 2021: Laurent Bugnion – The State of .NET

.NET is almost old enough to drink in the US (the first release was in 2002, 19 years ago…) but it’s definitely not rusty. Over the years it went through many transformations, including its latest incarnation known as .NET 5. In this presentation, Laurent Bugnion, a Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, who coded his first .NET […]