J-Spring 202326 Videos

J-Spring 2023: The (r)evolution on the JVM – what’s the impact on Java and Kotlin? – Urs Peter

Finally: Project Loom has been officially announced for Java 21, which will be released at the end of this year! Loom will be a game-changer for the JVM’s concurrency model, delivering ‘reactive’ characteristics out of the box without the need for complex concurrency abstractions. Regarding Kotlin, the concurrency features project Loom offers are already available […]

J-Spring 2023: The Dawn of AI: what does it mean for developers? – Lennart ten Wolde & John Sterken

This keynote analyses how AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) are reshaping software development through automation and efficiency enhancement. We explore how AI tools can simplify development, debugging, and testing, and discuss the practical implications of this shift. While AI changes developers’ tasks, we argue that this technology provides an opportunity to focus on new […]

J-Spring 2023: Maven Puzzlers – Andres Almiray & Ix-chel Ruiz

Apache Maven is an ubiquitous build tool in the Java ecosystem, some even claim it’s the defacto standard build tool. Configuring Maven is deceptively simple, after all it’s just a matter of writing XML, isn’t it? Things look differently when the rubber meets the road. One must know the intricacies of the build lifecycle; how […]