Java / NLJUG

443 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Opening movie

J-Fall 2018 heeft ruim 1.500 Java professionals mogen ontvangen voor de beste sessies en workshops over Java in de bioscoopzalen van Pathé Ede. De dag startte met de early bird sessies, maar de echte opening begon met deze film. Alle lof voor de maker van deze film: Michiel van MediaTaal ( ) Met trots presenteren we jullie […]

J-Fall 2019: Jeroen Reijn – What’s a service mesh and why do i need one?

You’ve been creating this cloud-native microservice based architecture. Continuous delivery pipelines, cloud-based deployments, and Kubernetes managed Docker containers. You are ready to scale beyond your wildest dreams. Now, while taking a step back, you notice that your services contain more than just the business logic you intended to write. Proper communication is key in a […]

J-Fall 2019: Grace Jansen – Reacting to the future of application architecture

Ever wondered how honeybees have come to be some of the world’s most efficient architects? Learn how we can all use mother nature’s expertise to better architect our software solutions to be more reactive, responsive and resilient through reactive architecture frameworks. I will be explaining the principles of reactive systems (including the key points behind […]

J-Fall Virtual 2020: Robbert Noordzij – Building a high performing Passenger Information System

Everyday millions of passengers commute by train. Using apps, websites and overhead displays they plan their journey through the network. Over 30.000 train activities including all their changes need to be communicated. The current software is over 10 years old and is hard to change. The original plan of rebuilding the software would stretch 8 […]

J-Fall 2023: Calibrate Garbage Collection on the Ground and Run Your Java App – Ana Maria Mihalceanu

Struggling to understand which garbage collector fits the bill for your application needs? Will your choice affect the performance forecast for your Java system once containerized and in production? Throughout this session, we’ll examine two kinds of applications, CPU or I/O intensive, and gradually improve the GC configurations by evaluating the throughput, latency, and footprint […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Rik van de Ven – A/B testing in the secure banking environment of ING

This talk will introduce ING’s Experiments API. Most A/B testing solutions don’t really fit a secure banking environment. There are also some problems in tools manipulating applications without the applications owners in a DevOps world. ING needed a solution for doing A/B tests in a DevOps world without introducing security risks. We have developed our […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Xavier Dupré – Democratization of AI: from researchers to any user

Machine learning somehow became one magic wand able to solve many things. It can be seen as a way to automate an existing pipeline which became very time consuming, it could also be seen as a way to process information we could not handle so far such as images or videos. We usually forget it […]