TEQnation47 Videos

TEQnation 2019: Seth Vargo – Base64 is not encryption – a better story for Kubernetes Secrets

Secrets are a key pillar of Kubernetes’ security model, used internally (e.g. service accounts) and by users (e.g. API keys), but did you know they are stored in plaintext? That’s right, by default all Kubernetes secrets are base64 encoded and stored as plaintext in etcd. Anyone with access to the etcd cluster has access to […]

TEQnation 2019: Robert van Mölken – Programming your autonomous drone with Droneblocks and Python

Note: Please excuse us for the audio quality Currently many things are being made autonomous. In this geeky sessions we are going to make our own autonomous drone using the Ryze/DJI Tello. One thing that sets the Tello apart from other drones is that you can program it movements using multible programming languages. In this […]

TEQnation 2019: Rob van Loon & Sander van Egmond – Code2Navigate, from bit to bike

Spring is in the air. With the weather improving this means that the Dutch are massively going out and enjoying their spare time with a nice trip on their bicycles. Or they leave the car at home and take their bicycle for their work commute. But how do you plan such a bike trip? Do […]

TEQnation 2019: Giselle van Dongen – Stream Processing: Choosing the right tool for the job

Due to the increasing interest in real-time processing, many stream processing frameworks were developed. However, no clear guidelines have been established for choosing a framework and designing efficient processing pipelines. In this talk, Giselle talks about decision factors and tuning tips for some of the most popular stream processing frameworks: Spark Streaming, Kafka Streams and […]

TEQnation 2019: Tim van Deursen – Keynote: When technology meets empathy

In a world with more refugees than ever, with new wars flaring up and new walls rising, we need to find better ways to connect and communicate. Tim van Deursen shows how innovative technology can make a difference in humanitarian challenges. His documentary “Meet the Soldier” sends soldiers of rivalling tribes in Karamoja, Uganda, on […]

TEQnation 2019: Angelo van der Sijpt – What every developer needs to know about cryptography

Cryptography is often shrouded like it is a black art. While you should stay away from implementing your own crypto, there’s plenty of components available in the Java ecosystem that can help you. But, what are they, and what to all those terms mean? In this session, we will unpack the jargon and show you […]

TEQnation 2019: Pieter van der Meer – Data and the Environment @ Port Of Rotterdam

Note: Please excuse us for the audio and video quality at the start of the video. Imagine that you need to create an environmental and statistical view of the largest port of Europe, Rotterdam. At your disposal is a variety of (real-time) data sources. This presentation is a walk-through on how we as a team […]

TEQnation 2019: Dave Zolotusky – Keynote: Cloud-Native Infrastructure: Beyond running in the cloud

Since the launch of AWS EC2 in 2006, we’ve been talking about moving to the cloud. It’s time to take the conversation up a level and talk about what comes after running in the cloud. Spotify recently transitioned to Google Cloud, and is now actively working on the next step of its cloud strategy. Dave […]

TEQnation 2019: Alexander Shopov – 700 tons of code later

Full title: Alexander Shopov – 700 tons of code later/When your IDE will not cut it you need a Spoon When your codebase is hundreds of projects in tens of thousands of different projects/modules it is very hard to do mass refactors. While IDEs are very helpful when working on several to tens of modules […]

TEQnation 2019: Julie Matviyuk – Friendly fire: how security software messes up

Have you ever wondered why, in the era of Deep Learning and hover-boards*, security software can still mess up? Why is it so challenging to distinguish clean files from malware? Here are 10 simple tips to make sure your software won’t be blasted off customers’ machines. *(they don’t really hover) For the past 10 years, […]