J-Fall 2016 Speaker Bernd Rücker – Using BPMN, DMN and CMMN on Camunda BPM

In this video

Expect plump marketing for our BPM platform. Uh, what? No, of course, the exact opposite! In this session I will demonstrate (and code) live, how certain issues in the BPMN 2.0 (workflows for “rigid” procedures), CMMN (Case Management for more flexibility) or DMN (Business Rules with decision tables) standards are modeled graphically and then executed directly in a Java engine. To do so I will use the open source Camunda BPM platform, so everything can be re-built directly at home. I will discuss possible architectures from classic SOA to Spring Boot based Microservices. Of course, best practices and a bit of personal opinion should not be missing, for example, that “Zero Code-lies” belong in storybooks and not in vendors’ marketing materials.

Bio van Bernd Rücker

I am co-founder of Camunda. But foremost I am software developer and consultant. I am doing BPM for more than 10 years now and committed in various Open Source Workflow Engines over time. By coaching countless projects and I got totally passionate about the whole “developer friendly BPM” story. When I have some spare time I give talks at conferences or write articles and books (e.g. our Real-Life BPMN book).

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