TEQnation 2019: Rob van Loon & Sander van Egmond – Code2Navigate, from bit to bike

Spring is in the air. With the weather improving this means that the Dutch are massively going out and enjoying their spare time with a nice trip on their bicycles. Or they leave the car at home and take their bicycle for their work commute. But how do you plan such a bike trip? Do you always choose the fastest road? Or do you want to prefer cycle paths over normal roads? Do you want to avoid industrial areas? What if you would like to get an ice-cream on the way or add a local supermarket to your route? In this presentation we will show hands-on what it is like to program a routing network with python in the Dutch province of North-Holland. Using the Dijkstra Algorithm for the fastest route as starting point we will gradually add more data and constraints to the algorithm. With a web viewer using OpenLayers, we can visually see the consequences of extending our code. This we will do by using open-source data and software only.

Bio Rob

With a background in experimental physics (PhD), I have always been interested in investigating how things work and what they can create. When I entered the field of GIS (Geographical Information System), my investigative mindset remained and it is now focused on coding and creating GEO applications and data analysis. I have a broad work experience with GIS software and my skills includes system architecture, code implementation, and system testing and control till finished product. I can work with web-based applications and data processing, as well as simple scripts and tools. A combination of postgresql and python is my systems of choice, however I am happy to use other tools if they are a better suited to fit the problem at hand. I work well in a team as both a lead developer, mentor and team developer.

Bio Sander

After a study in Environmental Sciences (Msc) and a traineeship as a software developer I have chosen to combine both expertise as Geo-ICT developer. I am currently working with Open-source and GIS software and enjoy building mobile apps. I like working in an agile team as full-stack developer.

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