TEQnation 2019: Pim Stolk – Banking Reinvented: IoT Payments

With “Banking of Things” we enable any IoT device to perform autonomous transactions on your behalf in a secure manner. With this talk, I’ll take you on a journey of how we created a completely new IoT payment platform under 9 months. This payment platform consists of 1. IoT SDKs in various languages ranging from Node JS, Python, C to Swift and Kotlin. 2. A backend built entirely in Swift using Kitura. 3. iOS and Android native applications. I would be presenting our experience of using Swift on the server in production. All the technical challenges we faced and lessons that we learned along the way. The reason why we chose Kitura over Vapor and Perfect. Our experience in using Kitura and the support we received from IBM along the way. Alongwith that I would like to tell you how we made sure that everything we built is secure by design. Then I’l like to bridge over to our community of developers, our reason to be completely open-source and how both have helped us immensely to build our product Part of the talk would also be about pilots we did in production with various companies and how we solved their need for an IoT payment platform and enabled them to move from a subscription to a pay per use business model. Last but not the least I would like to end the talk with some challenges we faced as a team and how we overcame them to deliver a production ready product in a short span of 9 months.

Bio Pim

iOS developer since 2008 and is working at the ING for the past 7 years. Pim is a true mobile and technology enthusiast and is currently the tech lead at FINN – Banking of Things by ING working on a new IoT platform mainly written in Swift.

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