TEQnation 201931 Videos

TEQnation 2019: Arno Broekhof – DataScience as a Service

Nowadays almost everybody is talking about DataScience / Machine Learning, containers, cloud and going serverless. what if we could combine all those elements to form one microservice landscape? Nice right!? In this session i will start of with sharing my thoughts about it and then do a live demo where i will: – start containerising […]

TEQnation 2019: Alexander Backus & Daan Debie – Forecasting passengers with machine learning at KLM

Nobody likes throwing good food away, while everybody likes to get a fresh meal on a long-distance flight. In to order take just the right amount of meals on board, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines successfully executed a project to improve their forecast of the number of passengers on-board every flight. In this talk, we walk […]

TEQnation 2019: Rob van Loon & Sander van Egmond – Code2Navigate, from bit to bike

Spring is in the air. With the weather improving this means that the Dutch are massively going out and enjoying their spare time with a nice trip on their bicycles. Or they leave the car at home and take their bicycle for their work commute. But how do you plan such a bike trip? Do […]

TEQnation 2019: Erwin de Gier – Building a cloud native Crypto Currency platform with WebFlux

Full title: Building a cloud native Crypto Currency trading platform with Spring WebFlux Using events is a powerful alternative to REST-based communication in microservices. However, it comes with its own challenges: For instance, dealing with eventual consistency, synchronisation of state, and writing code which can handle asynchronous business logic. In this talk we explain how […]

TEQnation 2019: Thodoris Bais – Why you should get involved in a local developer community

Full title: Why you should get involved in a local developer community – a panel discussion with community experts Note: Please excuse us for the audio quality Attending conferences and meetups is a great way to learn about emerging technologies, meeting new people and to get new insights. Staying up-to-date with the latest frameworks, libraries […]

TEQnation 2019: Robert van Mölken – Programming your autonomous drone with Droneblocks and Python

Note: Please excuse us for the audio quality Currently many things are being made autonomous. In this geeky sessions we are going to make our own autonomous drone using the Ryze/DJI Tello. One thing that sets the Tello apart from other drones is that you can program it movements using multible programming languages. In this […]

TEQnation 2019: Mariusz Gil – Discovering unknown with EventStorming

EventStorming is a lightweight discovery and collaborative learning tool for exploring complex domains and problems. Using Events, the first-class citizens of modern software development, in very short period of the time we can discover, model and visualize flows, aggregates, bounded contexts, business rules and related hotspots, commands, read-models… EventStorming is also a communication platform and […]

TEQnation 2019: Gabriel Bianconi – Introduction to Face Processing with Computer Vision

Note: Please excuse us for the fact the video cut off early. Ever wonder how Facebook’s facial recognition or Snapchat’s filters work? Faces are a fundamental piece of photography, and building applications around them has never been easier with open-source libraries and pre-trained models. In this talk, we’ll help you understand some of the computer […]

TEQnation 2019: Seth Vargo – Base64 is not encryption – a better story for Kubernetes Secrets

Secrets are a key pillar of Kubernetes’ security model, used internally (e.g. service accounts) and by users (e.g. API keys), but did you know they are stored in plaintext? That’s right, by default all Kubernetes secrets are base64 encoded and stored as plaintext in etcd. Anyone with access to the etcd cluster has access to […]

TEQnation 2019: Johan Janssen – Build your own voice recognition solution with Alexa

What if you’re eating and having a discussion about a certain topic? Searching on your phone would mean your food gets cold. Or what if you’re lying on the couch without your phone and you want to control the lights? The voice recognition service called Alexa can solve those issues. In this presentation I will […]