J-Fall 2021:Marcin Pakulnicki, Tim Linschoten, Pierre Venter – Bakery Platform : API orchestration taken to next level

When you develop critical banking customer interactions, your API can quickly get complex.
An API which opens a straightforward bank account, calls up to 20 other microservices for checks like: age, identity, product possession, possible arrears, blockades, Anti-money laundry checks, additional accountholders, and many others.
If we would code all interactions in an imperative style, in pure Java, things would get tough, meaning endless amounts of code and each team at ING reinventing the wheel by writing their own interactions over again.

At ING we developed the Baker open source library with an DSL (Domain Specific Language) language to make complex API orchestration easy with less code. The DSL describes parts of an interaction with another microservice and can be reused by many teams.
Next to reuse of common API calls, teams can write and deploy their interactions to a cloud based cluster and let the Bakery engine handle the orchestration load.

In this 45 min technical presentation we will outline the concepts behind the open source Baker library. We will show hands on code examples of where Baker’s DSL really shines.
Finally, we will deploy a ‘recipe’ live on an OpenShift cluster and see some monitoring and retry features of the Bakery platform which we use at ING Bank to develop critical customer interactions such as real time flow of becoming a new customer in mobile app.

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