TEQnation 202216 Videos

TEQnation 2022: Carl in ‘t Veld – Building microservices with .NET and DAPR

With the distributed application runtime (DAPR) Microsoft has introduced a very interesting way to standardize your container workloads from a software engineering perspective. In this session we will be building some microservices together using .NET and showcase the value that DAPR brings to the table. With DAPR your workload suddenly becomes cloud agnostic and you […]

TEQnation 2022: Sohan Maheshwar – Architecting in the Cloud for Sustainability

Efficiency in every aspect of cloud infrastructure can accelerate the sustainability of your workloads through optimization and informed architecture patterns. This session will dive deeper into Sustainability techniques for your cloud workloads, and provide direction on reducing the energy and carbon impact of AWS architectures. The talk will cover user patterns, software design, and AWS […]

TEQnation 2022: Mitchel Snel & Eddy Vos – Developing with your eyes closed

This is a session without slides. Even better, you will see what I see and that’s a black screen. I will tell you how you can develop Java just by hearing it. But more important, I will let you experience what I encounter if you don’t use clean code.

TEQnation 2022: Azad Imamoglu & Carina Cornet – Composable architecture a paradigm shift in software

Full title: Composable architecture, a paradigm shift in delivering software We’ve been developing software systems from scratch for decades, this approach to building software is shifting towards composability. In this session we’ll explore how the public sector could benefit from composable architecture. We’ll look at how a single platform could enable the composure of multiple […]

TEQnation 2022: Saskia Groenewegen – More than a Game: Future of Education and Work in the Metaverse

More than a Game: the Future of Education and Work in the Metaverse The Metaverse is often seen as the future of social media and gaming. But it can be so much more! Learn about the possibilies for immersive learning and how XR technologies like virtual, augmented and mixed reality can help people work faster, […]

TEQnation 2022: Mauricio Aniche – Can Machine Learning Help Sorftware Developers?

We all have heard of the amazing things Machine Learning can do. It can drive cars, it can detect whether people are using safe equipments, it can play games. But… can it help software developers in, say, find bugs or refactor code? In this talk, I’ll go through the different research projects I was involved […]