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194 Videos

TEQnation 2019: Marcel Kramer & Jonnes Bouma – Keynote: Open Source and sustainability

ABN AMRO will launch an Open Source community. This keynote is about how we moved this way. So the story about Open Source and how we as IT, by applying that, contribute to sustainability and what initiatives we’re doing in that space. Next to that what ABN already did last year in IoT like paying […]

J-Fall 2018: Simon Ritter – All The Way To 11: The Future of Java

Java is the most popular development platform on the planet, with literally millions of developers and users and over twenty years of development. In this presentation, we’ll start with a discussion about where Java is today. The current release is JDK 11. Moving applications from JDK 8 to a later release requires careful attention to […]

TEQnation 2019: Gabriel Bianconi – Introduction to Face Processing with Computer Vision

Note: Please excuse us for the fact the video cut off early. Ever wonder how Facebook’s facial recognition or Snapchat’s filters work? Faces are a fundamental piece of photography, and building applications around them has never been easier with open-source libraries and pre-trained models. In this talk, we’ll help you understand some of the computer […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Tim van Eijndhoven – Microservices met Vert.x

Vert.x is een toolkit om reactive applicaties op de JVM te bouwen. Bij de JAX Innovation awards won het de prijs voor “Most Innovative Java Technology”. Vert.x is event driven, non blocking en polyglot, wat het een platform maakt dat bij uitstek geschikt is voor het bouwen van microservices. In deze sessie deel ik de […]

J-Fall Virtual 2020: Josh Long – Keynote: Cloud Native Java, Redux

Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman) for a guided tour to a ton of the features, patterns and principles that support you when building productions-optimized cloud native Java applications. Bio Josh: Josh (@starbuxman) has been the first Spring Developer Advocate since 2010. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 6 books (including O’Reilly’s “Cloud […]

J-Spring 2018: Roy van Rijn – Fostering an evolving architecture in the agile world

What is software architecture? Is it the decision to adopt microservices? Is it the document that describes the layers in your Java EE application? No, every line of code you commit is part of your evolving architecture. During this talk I’ll explain how we, at the Port of Rotterdam, manage our software architecture in an […]

J-Fall 2019: Hinse ter Schuur – Mikado and the Art of Refactoring

Do you know this feeling? Still struggling with a big refactoring… you promised your team that it would be finished within a day. But that was two days ago. You cannot just revert, because you already invested a lot of time. You have to go forward. But… the project is not compiling at all. If […]

TEQNATION 2018 The Future is Smart – Aftermovie

What a day! All the rooms were packed with an enthusiastic crowd, the conference floor generated an incredible energy that radiated all over the event and speakers were cheered as if they were world-class artists. Have you been here too and want to relive the TEQNATION feeling or unfortunately missed out and are you curious […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker James Weaver & Sandhya Kapoor – Cognitive Computing Exposed!

The terms “machine learning” and “cognitive computing” are increasingly bandied about in corporate settings and cocktail parties, but what are they, really? In this session we’ll answer that question, providing an approachable overview of relevant concepts, technologies, and use cases. We’ll then take a deeper dive into machine learning topics such as supervised learning, unsupervised […]

Future Tech 2019: Saskia Groenewegen – VR/AR – the new reality for training & performing

Imagine you have to maintain a hundred different technical systems and only three people to do so. Imagine you are working on location, but the data you need is in the back end system at your office. Imagine you work with patients with special needs that you want to transport to new environments for therapy. […]