Future Tech 2021: Michaël Hompus – Achievement unlocked: use .NET to unlock Xbox achievements

While playing the movie trivia game “Scene It?” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scene_It%3F] on my Xbox 360 back in 2007, I had the feeling that with a camera, computer, and some software, it should be much easier to get the correct answers to the questions in the game. But where to start?
Fast forward to today: Now I have lots of tools and frameworks at my disposal so I can use all my programming skills to build that application. To finish those achievements that eluded me for so long.

In this session I will go through the techniques that can be applied. You will see how we can use .NET Core with OpenCV, Azure Custom Vision, ML.NET, Tesseract OCR, and more, to answer every question the game will throw at us.

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