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210 Videos

Future Tech 2019: Sander Hoogendoorn – How microteams change the way we collaborate. Again.

Introducing the next evolution in autonomous collaboration Over the years the way projects and teams operate in software development has changed quite a bit. From projects were teams were sliced vertically per discipline, to multi-disciplinary and cross-functional teams in agile approaches and frameworks. Now, as a consequence of increasing velocity, DevOps, DevSecOps and continuous delivery, […]

Future Tech 2019: Saskia Groenewegen – VR/AR – the new reality for training & performing

Imagine you have to maintain a hundred different technical systems and only three people to do so. Imagine you are working on location, but the data you need is in the back end system at your office. Imagine you work with patients with special needs that you want to transport to new environments for therapy. […]

Future Tech 2019: Thomas de Klerk & Tom Kosse – High Performance Teams: De vijf kenmerken van een succesvol team

Please excuse us for the audio quality. There was a malfunction with the microphones. Als organisatie wil je succesvolle effectieve teams om verschillende redenen. Uiteraard leveren succesvolle teams kwalitatief werk en zijn ze productief. Aan de andere kant levert het teamleden een prettige werkomgeving waarin je kan excelleren. Binnen Google is er uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: April Edwards & Abel Wang – Agile to DevOps with GitHub Actions

Especially for the Future Tech Masterclasses, Microsoft’s April Edwards and Abel Wang will do a joint session! They’ll share all the excitement around agile working, DevOps, and how you can use GitHub Actions to deploy your applications! Bio April: April is a senior software engineer and cloud advocate for Microsoft specializing in datacentre modernization and […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Michael Bentley – Azure DevOps is at the heart of the new Developer Engineering ECO System

In 2016 ABN AMRO IT sowed the seeds of change. Not one but two Public Clouds were added to a diverse IT landscape. Many development technologies were, and still are in use. The development tooling is predominantly IaaS and diverse. In 2019 a positive decision was taken to rationalise and simplify the IT landscape, to […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Rodrigo Dias & Jyoti Singh -Igniting the adoption of containers in the cloud for financial enterprises

ABN AMRO Bank is moving workloads to Azure Cloud. As a financial institution with 400+ development teams you have a great responsibility on how you organize your cloud and how you configure the services you use. One of the services that is used by ABN AMRO Bank is Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) for container workloads. […]

Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Scott Hunter – .NET Cloud Native and Microservices

Today you hear terms like Microservices, Kubernetes, Containers and Docker. In this talk Scott Hunter from the .NET will talk about all the features in .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 that make .NET the best platform for building cloud native applications. You will learn about enhancements to Web API’s with Open API the new […]

FutureTech Preview

Future Tech is the new conference for and by Developers and IT professionals who work with Microsoft technologies (C#, .NET Framework and web technologies). Future Tech is the event in the Netherlands for everyone who has passions for tech! The main goal of Future Tech is to share all the available knowledge, ideas, know-how about […]

How to write the perfect developer job advertisement?

Struggling to write the perfect job advertisement? Is your job advertisement not standing out from the masses? Then follow these tips and write the perfect job advertisement for the perfect candidate!

J-Fall 2014 speaker Mylène Reiners – Microservices – het hoe en waarom…

Een microservice is in wezen niks nieuws, maar zoals elke substantiële verandering in ons vak, berust het op een aantal geslaagde concepten uit het verleden, aangevuld met net dat beetje extra dat het tot een succes kan maken. Denk aan het Unix concept: bouw een klein programma dat één ding kan, maar dat ene wel […]