J-Spring 2018: Frans van Buul & Christophe Bouhier – Choreographed architectures with Axon Framework

In this video

Traditional applications are built on an orchestration principle. There is a ‘conductor’ which initiates requests, collects the responses and provides the answer. An alternative is a choreography whereby no single person or group is instructed during the play. Every participant in the dance, knows what to do at which point in time. In Software, a ‘Choreographed’ architecture could be defined as domains able to perform function, based on ‘timed’ signals.

In this presentation, we’ll have a look at a concrete example of these ideas at a new fintech company called BloX, a subsidiary of cryptocurrency trading platform BTC Direct. Their need for a scalable, modular and auditable architecture, led them to choose this architecture for there systems. These are currently being developed by Trifork, using the open source Axon Framework and other AxonIQ components. The system will be fully cloud based, running on the Google Kubernetes Engine.

We’ll look at an overview of this architecture, and then zoom in to some specific architectural patterns that occur here, such as interactions between distinct sub-domains, Time-based events etc..

Bio Frans: Frans joined AxonIQ when it was founded in July 2017. At AxonIQ, he divides his time about 50/50 between sales and evangelism around Axon Framework and AxonIQ products, and actual (Java) programming of these products. Before this, Frans built up experience in Java software development (Inter Access, Trifork), as well as in information security (PwC, Hewlett Packard). His last role prior to joining AxonIQ was to represent the Fortify application security suite (static and dynamic analysis) in the Benelux and Nordics.

Frans has run several lab very successful lab sessions in the past (for instance, around Cucumber and Groovy) and knows what it takes to ensure that such a session becomes a great learning experience for all participants.

Bio Christophe: Christophe is a seasoned veteran in Telecommunications Engineering. He has worked on multiple continents selling, buying, building and running Mobile infrastructure. Christophe started to develop SW for his field , and matured as a SW engineer over the years. As a SW architect at Trifork, Christophe’s attention goes to distributed systems, considering all aspects like scale, security, operation and people required to build and operate for success. “I like to find the right balance between innovative, and proven technology, the composition of a SW system requires each (Open Source) part to be analysed as such. It’s a challenge to get that technology balance right and the team to work with it”. Christophe’s view of SW is that the technology is just one part of the equation. Aspects like people, culture, budget and other constraints are equally important for a project to succeed.

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