J-Fall 2017

39 Videos

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Arun Gupta – Build, Debug and Deploy your first Chatbot

Chatbots are computer programs that interact via auditory or textual methods. They can be integrated in any chat service like Slack or Facebook Messenger. You can talk to them using SMS. You can even converse with them using Alexa. This talk will explain how I built first chatbot for our Star Wars-struck family. Attendees will […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Michel Schudel – No-frills REST api testing with REST-Assured

As the number of REST based services in our application landscape grows, we better make sure they are tested really well! Component-Testing REST API’s (that is, testing the REST API against a fully deployed artifact) can be a bit of a pain, however, using existing solutions like SoapUI, PostMan, or Cucumber. Enter REST-Assured, a library […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Martijn Blankestijn – CQRS: Processing the events to query-databases

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES) have been around since the mid 2000’s, so nothing new there. CQRS even draws on principles formulated in the 90’s to separate the reads (queries) from the writes (commands) of the application. Application of these patterns means a different way of thinking about modelling and consistency. […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Peter Hilton – How to name things: the hardest problem in programming

Developers can get better at their craft by learning from the great writers who mastered theirs. Writing software isn’t the same as writing a novel, but there are parallels. Besides, advice from writers is better because writers have been struggling with their craft for many centuries, not just a few decades. It’s better-written as well. […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Xavier Dupr̩ РDemocratization of AI: from researchers to any user

Machine learning somehow became one magic wand able to solve many things. It can be seen as a way to automate an existing pipeline which became very time consuming, it could also be seen as a way to process information we could not handle so far such as images or videos. We usually forget it […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Davor Sauer – Putting your head in the clouds

Lessons learned in creating a product with both traditional and cloud deployments. Enabling customers to moving from on premise deployment to cloud deployment. What were architectural and technology decisions and how we rolled them out to have a flexible cloud ready product. Bio Davor Sauer: Currently working as Software Architect in Backbase R&D. He like […]

J-Fall 2017 Vera Velt & Bram Miedema – Text Analytics and Machine Learning: best for the job!

Iedere dag komen er honderden vragen binnen naar een professional. Hoe vind je uit 4000 medewerkers de meest geschikte en wie is daarvan beschikbaar? Dan kom je een heel eind met een aantal Resource Managers die hun pappenheimers kennen. Maar hoe gaat dat als je aanvragen uit de hele wereld komen en je een wereldwijde […]

J-Fall 2017 – Ray Tsang & Matt Feigal – Troubleshooting & Debugging Microservices in Kubernetes

Debugging applications in production is like being the detective in a crime movie. Especially with microservices. Especially with containers. Especially in the cloud. Trying to see what’s going on in a production deployment at scale is impossible without proper tools! Google has spent over a decade deploying containerized Java applications at unprecedented scale and the […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Vincent Kok – Microservices: 5 things I wish I’d known

Microservices are hot! A lot of companies are experimenting with this architectural pattern that greatly benefits the software development process. When adopting new patterns we always encounter that moment where we think ‘if only I knew this three months ago’. This talk will be a sneak peak into the world of microservices at Atlassian and […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Bas Peters – Inner Source: practices of open source used internally

More and more organisations adopt open source principles to build software. They recognise that open source projects are a productive and successful way of delivering high quality code that solves complex business problems. These organisations allow their developers to share their work without boundaries, require code reviews to be focussed and open to everyone in […]