J-Fall 2017 Speaker Hanno Embregts – Building a Spring Boot application: Ask the Audience!

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone Spring-based application that you can ‘just run’. It uses a ‘convention over configuration’ approach to get you up and running in no-time, while offering all Spring features that you have grown fond of in the past years. In this session this is demonstrated by live-coding a Spring Boot application that will ‘just work’. But audience beware, this is not your standard ‘live-coding session’. Attendees will have a vital say in the session’s content by defining the application’s requirements. Should it be an app to track your kitchen cupboard contents or do you want a simple task planner? It’s up to you! Should it use MongoDB or Couchbase? You decide! Do you want an Angular front-end with a RESTful back-end or do you prefer a classic web app with Thymeleaf templates? It’s your call! Seriously. During the session you get to make these decisions by participating in an online vote. And you will discover that Spring Boot is up to the task no matter what choices you make. So what are you waiting for? Bring your own device, help shape the application that we’re building and learn lots about Spring Boot in the process.

Bio Hanno Embregts:
Hanno is a Java Developer, Scrum Master and Trainer at Info Support (Veenendaal, Netherlands). He has over 9 years of experience developing enterprise software in various fields (insurance companies, banks, hospitals, industry) and currently works for the Dutch Railway Company (‘NS’). He loves building innovative software and has a passion for clean, elegant solutions. On top of that, he likes continuous delivery, behavior-driven development and all things agile.

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