J-Fall 2018

55 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Tim van Eijndhoven – Getting into the Flow: building applications with Reactive Streams

Reactive stream programming is quickly gaining popularity. Supported by frameworks like Akka Streams, Reactor and ReactiveX it allows you to build applications that ensure a good performance while handling large volumes of requests and data. This session will help you to hit the ground running when adopting this new and exciting technology. Reactive streams programming […]

J-Fall 2018: Joost Lobbes – Rabo Online Banking – How Technology is changing an entire industry

Banks have transferred into Tech companies that are facing a new era, in which their business models will be completely changed by the opportunities that technology is now giving them. Instead of competing with each other, new competition is coming from FinTechs and BigTechs. Innovative products and customer experience are key in order to survive. […]

J-Fall 2018: Billy Korando – Cloud Native Java with OpenJ9: Fast, lean and definitely mean

The economics of Cloud continues to dictate the need for radical changes to language runtimes. In this session lean about how OpenJDK with the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM is leading the way in creating an enterprise strength, industry leading Java runtime that provides the operational characteristics most needed for Java applications running in the Cloud. This […]

J-Fall 2018: Venkat Subramaniam – Kotlin for Java Programmers

Kotlin is a language that brings the strengths and capabilities of multiple languages into one. If you have looked at two or three different languages and said “I wish I could do this, that, and that also,” well now you can, thanks to Kotlin. In this presentation we will learn the key benefits and power […]

J-Fall 2018: Aparna Chaudhary – Docker, JVM and CPU

With the increasing adoption of cloud native technologies and containerization; the gap between Java development and system administration is decreasing. Whether you are using Docker Swarm, Kubernetes or Mesos/Marathon as a container orchestrator; fundamental challenges for running docker in production are common. In this talk, I would like to share some of the basic linux […]

J-Fall 2018: NLJUG Innovation Award – YOLT

Yolt is door een vakjury van experts gekozen tot de winnaar van de NLJUG Innovation Award 2018. De NLJUG, deed deze onthulling tijdens de openingsceremonie van J-Fall, een event voor 1500 software engineers. Yolt is een applicatie die gebruikers in staat stelt om eenvoudig hun persoonlijke financiën te managen, door betaal- en spaarrekeningen, credit cards, […]

J-Fall 2018: Maarten Mulders – SSL/TLS for Mortals

Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) the right way is often a big hurdle for developers. We prefer to have that one colleague perform “something with certificates”, because he/she knows how that works. But what if “that one colleague” is enjoying vacation and something goes wrong with the certificates? In this session we’ll take a close […]

J-Fall 2018: Shashi Ranjan Kumar & Nilesh Saurabh – Amplifying Test Automation using REST Assured

Rest assured is a java library used specifically for component level testing of the REST services (java or any other). We have enhanced the basic REST assured framework to incorporate components integration testing which has been further integrated within CICD pipeline as well. There were around 100 integration test cases in our project including 17 […]

J-Fall 2018: Hubert A. Klein Ikkink – Skyrocketing Development Of Your Microservices With Micronaut

Micronaut is a complete framework for writing microservices and serverless functions using Java, Groovy and Kotlin with a focus on minimal resource usage and very fast startup times. In this session we will learn about the many features of Micronaut with a lot of code examples. We will see how to write a microservice in […]

J-Fall 2018: Venkat Subramaniam – Java Functional Programming Idioms

A number of developers and organizations are beginning to make use of Functional Programming in Java. With anything that’s new, we often learn it the hard way. By stepping back and taking a look at programming style as idioms, we can quickly gravitate towards better coding style and also avoid some common traps that we […]