J-Fall 201954 Videos

J-Fall 2019: Ray Tsang & Robert Scholte – Surviving Dependency Hell

Dependency conflicts come in many different forms and have different impacts on your applications. This presentation examines common causes of a dependency conflict, how you can mitigate it as a library developer, and how end users can resolve it. Join this session to see common issues Ray has observed from working with customers, and Robert’s […]

J-Fall 2019: William Bakker – From Iterator to Spliterator

Good chance that you have worked with the Java Streams API. It is quite easy to consume Stream objects. What if you want to produce your own Stream? Is List.stream().map().collect(toList()) an antipattern? How to deal with IO? How can you transform your service and your API’s using Stream? I will show some best practices on […]

J-Fall 2019: Erik Hooijmeijer – Decompiling Kotlin

While my colleagues revelled in Kotlin’s new features, I was curious how exactly these features are achieved on the JVM. So I spent some time reading byte code and decompiling Kotlin into Java with sometimes hilarious results 🙂 In this presentation a take some example code in Kotlin, compile it and then decompile it with […]

J-Fall 2019: Alex Soto – Supersonic, Subatomic Java with Quarkus

Java was born in the mid-90s, the era of TLC and Boyz II Men, long before the rise of Linux server virtualization and the Linux container. We took great pride in running Java applications for weeks if not months without restarts and Java assumed the whole computer belonged to itself, that it could consume all […]

J-Fall 2019: Michel Schudel – Cryptography 101 for Java developers

So you’re logging in to your favorite crypto currency exchange over https using a username and password, executing some transactions, and you’re not at all surprised that, security wise, everything’s hunky dory… The amount of cryptography to make all this happen is staggering. In order to appreciate and understand what goes on under the hood, […]

J-Fall 2019: Maarten Smeets – Performance of Microservices on Different JVMs

A lot is happening in the world of JVMs. Oracle changed its support policy roadmap for the Oracle JDK. GraalVM has been open sourced by Oracle. AdoptOpenJDK provides binaries and is supported by (among others) Azul Systems, IBM and Microsoft. Large software vendors provide their own supported OpenJDK distributions such as Amazon (Coretto), RedHat and […]

J-Fall 2019: Lucas Jellema & Adnan Drina – How and why GraalVM is quickly becoming relevant for you

Starting a Java application as fast as any executable with a memory footprint rivaling the most lightweight runtime engines is quickly becoming a reality, through Graal VM and ahead of time compilation. This in turn is a major boost for using Java for microservice and especially serverless scenarios. For a long time GraalVM seemed merely […]

J-Fall 2019: Philipp Krenn – Centralized Logging Patterns

Most organizations feel the need to centralize their logs — once you have more than a couple of servers or containers, SSH and tail will not serve you well any more. However, the common question or struggle is how to achieve that. This talk presents multiple approaches and patterns with their advantages and disadvantages, so […]

J-Fall 2019: Paulo Lopes – Fight climate change with code

Climate change is the most severe threat facing our planet today. Every single line of code we write impacts the amount of carbon we release to the atmosphere every day. Instead of being part of the problem, we have the responsibility to be a part of the solution. In this quickie, you will learn how […]

J-Fall 2019: Sharat Chander – OpenJDK and You

Java, its libraries, and the JVM are all built through an open source project: OpenJDK. Any and every developer can engage in this project and be part of improving the Java experience. This session looks at the foundation of the OpenJDK, what it takes to become a participant in the project, and how to actually […]