TEQnation 201931 Videos

TEQnation 2019: Eugene Bogaart – Bringing data to life, handling less structured data

The world is full of brilliant tools that provide us visual insights. All these tools have a common requirement that input should be in SQL format. Relational databases are the most common source of structured data, accessible through SQL. But what about all of these NoSQL databases, they promise handling data easier by accepting semi-structured […]

TEQnation 2019: Gabriel Bianconi – Introduction to Face Processing with Computer Vision

Note: Please excuse us for the fact the video cut off early. Ever wonder how Facebook’s facial recognition or Snapchat’s filters work? Faces are a fundamental piece of photography, and building applications around them has never been easier with open-source libraries and pre-trained models. In this talk, we’ll help you understand some of the computer […]

TEQnation 2019: Giselle van Dongen – Stream Processing: Choosing the right tool for the job

Due to the increasing interest in real-time processing, many stream processing frameworks were developed. However, no clear guidelines have been established for choosing a framework and designing efficient processing pipelines. In this talk, Giselle talks about decision factors and tuning tips for some of the most popular stream processing frameworks: Spark Streaming, Kafka Streams and […]

TEQnation 2019: Ivor Boers & Michel Drenthe – Adventures in autonomous sailing

Machine learning has a big impact on the world. In this presentation, we will look at advancements in robotic sailing and talk about our own plans to use machine learning to go sailing. Follow us on our journey to build an autonomous boat that can sail around the world. Starting with a standard RC boat […]

TEQnation 2019: Jeroen Resoort – Mesh Networking for IoT

It can be challenging to keep your IOT devices connected to a reliable network and with a good battery life. Find out how mesh networking can help you out! By using mesh technology we will connect multiple devices to the internet using low power device-to-device communication. You can expect to see live demo’s and coding […]

TEQnation 2019: Johan Janssen – Build your own voice recognition solution with Alexa

What if you’re eating and having a discussion about a certain topic? Searching on your phone would mean your food gets cold. Or what if you’re lying on the couch without your phone and you want to control the lights? The voice recognition service called Alexa can solve those issues. In this presentation I will […]

TEQnation 2019: Julie Matviyuk – Friendly fire: how security software messes up

Have you ever wondered why, in the era of Deep Learning and hover-boards*, security software can still mess up? Why is it so challenging to distinguish clean files from malware? Here are 10 simple tips to make sure your software won’t be blasted off customers’ machines. *(they don’t really hover) For the past 10 years, […]

TEQnation 2019: Marcel Kramer & Jonnes Bouma – Keynote: Open Source and sustainability

ABN AMRO will launch an Open Source community. This keynote is about how we moved this way. So the story about Open Source and how we as IT, by applying that, contribute to sustainability and what initiatives we’re doing in that space. Next to that what ABN already did last year in IoT like paying […]

TEQnation 2019: Marcus Biel – Keynote: Listen to dad

In this talk, I want to share with you how I came to where I stand today. Husband and father of a 5 months old son, director of developer experience at Red Hat, traveling the world. I will share with you the good, the bad, the ugly. My failures and my learnings along the way. […]

TEQnation 2019: Mariusz Gil – Discovering unknown with EventStorming

EventStorming is a lightweight discovery and collaborative learning tool for exploring complex domains and problems. Using Events, the first-class citizens of modern software development, in very short period of the time we can discover, model and visualize flows, aggregates, bounded contexts, business rules and related hotspots, commands, read-models… EventStorming is also a communication platform and […]