AI & Machinelearning

30 Videos

Future Tech 2019: Martin Opdam – Dawn of the planet of artificial intelligence

Our sincere apologies for the atrocious sound quality the first half of the video. We hope you can still enjoy this amazing session by Martin Opdam. A high paced overview of everything you can come across when learning about artificial intelligence. It’s an interesting and entertaining talk for anyone with an interest in technology and […]

Future Tech 2019: Gian Paolo Santopaolo – AI for every developer

Artificial Intelligence is changing everything from how we live to how we work and even how we think. It is transforming our lives. As a developer, you should be part of it. And this is the right place where to start with a deep overview of what AI (Artificial Intelligence) /ML (Machine Learning) /DL (Deep […]

Future Tech 2019: Håkan Silfvernagel – Affective Computing – What is it and why should I care?

Research have shown that emotions play an integral role in decision making, cognition, perception, learning and more. If we want our computers to be intelligent and be able to interact with us we need to ensure that they are able to recognize, understand and express emotions. This is the basic assumption of the field of […]

Future Tech 2019: Dave Smits – MR meets AI

De Hololens maakt hele nieuwe ervaringen mogelijk die eerst niet mogelijk waren. Ondertussen neemt ook AI een vlucht en worden apps steeds slimmer. Wanneer je deze twee combineert krijg een hele krachtige combinatie. In deze sessie kijken we naar de mogelijkheden die deze combinatie maakt, en niet alleen naar wat er mogelijk is maar ook […]

Future Tech 2019: Rick van den Bosch – Securing an Azure Function REST API with Azure Active Directory

This session will show you how to secure your Azure Functions powered REST API using Azure Active Directory, and how to consume this API from an Angular front-end. Bio Rick van den Bosch I’m a Cloud Solutions Architect who has been working with Microsoft Azure since its very first introduction. I have performed numerous Azure […]

Future Tech 2019: Alessandro Vozza – Deploying scalable Machine Learning models with Kubernetes

Where data scientists meet DevOps: how to deploy, manage, train and serve Machine Learning models at scale in the cloud with popular open source tools like Kubeflow, on the most popular container orchestration and microservices: Kubernetes. Applying widespread concepts like continuous delivery and infrastructure as code, we will show how simple and streamlined it can […]

Aftermovie Future Tech 2019

Future Tech was a huge succes with 600 future technology addicts! A big thank you to everyone who contributed in any way and of course to every visitor present! Were you not there? or do you want a recap of what Future Tech was like? Then take a look at this awesome aftermovie!

J-Fall 2018: Jettro Coenradie & Byron Voorbach – Learning to rank search results (Combine Machine Learning with Search)

With advanced tools available for search like Solr and Elasticsearch, companies are embedding search in almost all their products and websites. WIth more experienced users but also with smaller screens to show search results, returned the right results to a query becomes more demanding. Search engines provide lots of ways to influence the order of […]

J-Fall 2018: Cédric van Beijsterveldt & Chiel van de Steeg – Neural networks: insane in the membrane

Neural networks are one of the most dominant forms of AI algorithms being used today. They seem to be the right solution to a myriad of problems and are often considered to provide objective answers to a variety of complex questions, but why? A neural network can be tuned to cope with a wide range […]

J-Fall 2018: Gebrian uit de Bulten & Thijs Willems – Keynote: Waarom ook jouw kind op de basisschool behoefte heeft aan persoonlijk leren met behulp van Artificial Intelligence

Educatieve Uitgeverij Malmberg, de marktleider in het basisonderwijs, heeft in augustus dit jaar een revolutionair nieuw digitaal concept gelanceerd voor het Basisonderwijs. Vernieuwend is de manier waarop het platform real-time o.b.v. ‘artificial intelligence’ met de leerlingen meedenkt en hen steeds díe lesstof toont die exact aansluit bij hun niveau. De onderliggende techniek faciliteert hiermee de […]