Frontmania 2022: Matijs Moest & Stefan van de Vooren – Developing and Building a Fronted Application

Rabobank is one of the leading banks in the Netherlands and has big ambitions to fully digitise their business. To realise these ambitions Rabobank has over 100 development squads that develop customer facing frontend solutions. After many iterations of the Rabobank digital platform, the decision is made to move all development to a single monorepo. This monorepo contains all frontend code for the 3 main customer apps of the bank (retail, business and public website). With the setup of this monorepo and single page app structure we faced many challenges, but ultimately it enables us to go to production 12 times a day (on average) with a fully automated continuous deployment setup. We want to provide you a sneak peak into our challenges and provide examples on how we have overcome these. Also we will talk about the Rabobank perspective on the future of frontend.

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