Frontmania ’23 – Rodney Wormsbecher- An architectural pattern on Ui library workflows with Storybook

If you have ever attempted to extract your UI libraries into an abstract package which can be consumed just like any other NPM package. You’ll probably have encountered quite a few hurdles. For example: 1. How do I ensure code quality and reusability? 2. How do I actually publish an NPM package? 3. Can the publishing of packages be automated by CI/CD? 4. How do I provide interactive documentation like Bootstrap or Material UI? In this presentation I will showcase a solid workflow when a developer makes a change and push it to GitHub to automatically publish the package both to NPM and the documentation of storybook to an Azure webapp. It will tackle many hurdles such as GitHub pipelines, NPM publish, Docker and Storybook. It can both be delivered as a workshop as well as a presentation. And a GitHub repository and slides will be provided. With this talk, I aim to make JavaScript package publishing a more common thing, Coding will be live. But some parts will be copied over from snippets to prevent tedious styling and html tasks. Pre-requisites: Some experience with JavaScript. Any CI/CD experience will help but is not necessary.

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