Frontmania ’23 – Vince Liem – How the “transformer model” is like a framework for AI

AI has existed for quite some time, but its prominence has exploded in the past year. Why were AI text generation and AI image generation released at nearly the same time? And how do they differ from the AI that has been employed for years? My talk is about the “transformer model,” the AI paradigm that researchers have flocked to in the past year. This groundbreaking approach, as seen in models like chatGPT where the ‘T’ stands for ‘Transformer’, has become a cornerstone for current AI innovations, reshaping how we understand and interact with artificial intelligence. I’ll demonstrate this with a live demo, showing how an action like “make an invoice for a customer” can be ‘transformed’ into clicks inside a complex application, offering a tangible glimpse into the transformative power of AI.

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