J-Fall 2016 Ignite-sessies – 5 minute sessions – Multiple speakers

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The mantra of Ignite talks is “Enlighten us, but make it quick”. Ignite is the name for a particular type of event that is held throughout the world (organized by volunteers) at which participants speak about their ideas and personal or professional passions according to a specific format. The presentations are meant to “ignite” the audience on a subject, whereby awareness, thought, and action are generated on the subjects presented. The Ignite sessions will be hosted by Roy van Rijn (JPoint). Below you can find the speakers and titles of the Ignite sessions available. Speaker Title Alexander Chatzizacharias – Hardcore gaming Erwin Hoeckx – Erik Pronk – Software delivery is like a pregnancy Ko Turk – Home Improvement Peter van de Voorde – Get out of your comfort zone Erwin de Gier – What developers should know about design Johan Janssen – De IPA API Linda van der Pal – Help, how can I help my kid to learn programming? Mark Heckler & Hendrik Ebbers – Star Wars vs Star Trek Bio van Roy van Rijn Roy van Rijn is a Software Mender at JPoint. He worked on miscellaneous projects and has given talks at JavaOne, Devoxx BE, Devoxx UK, Devoxx PL, Joy of Coding, J-Fall and J-Spring. He regularly gives trainings on various topics, including Spring, Software Architecture, Testing and Agile/Lean. He’s also a blogger (http://www.royvanrijn.com) and you can follow him on Twitter (@royvanrijn)

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