J-Spring 2023: Introducing Kotlin In Your Organization, From The Ground Up – Julien Lengrand-Lambert

For you it’s obvious, Kotlin is the next big thing and it’ll bring your team to the next level. You see clear advantages, but others are not quite there yet. In this talk, I’ll describe the ways we found to get Kotlin inside ING, one of the largest European bank. We’ll look into simple ways to convince your colleagues, your management and make it a success for everyone! These days, there are so many tools to improve one developer’s workflow that it’s hard to make a choice, and sometimes convince others. Languages, frameworks, tooling, paradigms, there is so much to try and not everything can be a benefit. In this talk, we will have a look at why Kotlin probably makes a lot of sense for your team. We’ll have a quick glance at some language features, the ecosystem and the community as well. But we’ll mostly have a look at various techniques to make Kotlin (or for that matter, any other kind of proposal) a convincing user case for your team. Finding your heroes, making small experiments, using external influence, building in public, defusing possible worries, there are many ways to go about it! By the end of this talk, you will have extra information on why Kotlin can be useful for you (or not); and be equipped with strategies to help convince others as well.

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