J-Fall 2018

55 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Simon Maple – Common vulnerabilities you wish your Java app didn’t have!

This session takes some of the most common vulnerabilities found in the Java eco-system, breaks them down and shows how simple code can exploit them. We’ll look at examples in the wild that have been exposed, some more famously than others, before showing you how to guard against these important security issues. Simon Maple Simon […]

J-Fall 2018: Erik Mulder – Create your own Digital Adventure Room

Coding just ‘virtual’ software can get boring, it just lives ‘inside the machine’. You start wondering how to let your code act on the real world (especially when your kids ask what the heck you are actually doing for a living). A smart home is nice for sure, but let’s think bigger and cooler: a […]

J-Fall 2018: Maarten Mulders – SSL/TLS for Mortals

Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) the right way is often a big hurdle for developers. We prefer to have that one colleague perform “something with certificates”, because he/she knows how that works. But what if “that one colleague” is enjoying vacation and something goes wrong with the certificates? In this session we’ll take a close […]

J-Fall 2018: Tim van Eijndhoven – Getting into the Flow: building applications with Reactive Streams

Reactive stream programming is quickly gaining popularity. Supported by frameworks like Akka Streams, Reactor and ReactiveX it allows you to build applications that ensure a good performance while handling large volumes of requests and data. This session will help you to hit the ground running when adopting this new and exciting technology. Reactive streams programming […]

J-Fall 2018: Winfred van Egteren – Reuse your web skills to build native apps with NativeScript

Are you a web developer who always wanted to write an app for both iOS and Android, but want to write it only once? Do you want a true, performant, native app, but don’t want to learn yet another language, yet another framework and get used to yet another IDE? With NativeScript, this is easier […]

J-Fall 2018: Roy van Rijn – Community keynote – Quantum Computing: Mind-bogglingly weird!

Once you get down to a subatomic level, the world around us starts to become very weird indeed. Particles behave like waves and they are seemingly able to time-travel using entanglement. During this keynote we’ll explore the wonderful world of quantum mechanics. We’ll talk about how these effects can be used in quantum computers, leveraging […]

J-Fall 2018: Jelle Voost – Streaming data with Kafka and Akka

Bij Simacan tracken we de locatie van honderden vrachtwagens van onze klanten, en berekenen we realtime hun verwachte aankomsttijd op de volgende geplande stop. Al die locatie-updates en de voortdurend bijgewerkte snelheid op elk stukje weg in Nederland vormen samen een enorme hoeveelheid streaming data. Die data in goede banen leiden, is een grote en […]

J-Fall 2018: Cédric van Beijsterveldt & Chiel van de Steeg – Neural networks: insane in the membrane

Neural networks are one of the most dominant forms of AI algorithms being used today. They seem to be the right solution to a myriad of problems and are often considered to provide objective answers to a variety of complex questions, but why? A neural network can be tuned to cope with a wide range […]

J-Fall 2018: Paco van Beckhoven – Keeping your head cool with serverless voice controlled fan

Do you also wake up sweating during those hot summer nights, but you are too lazy to get out of bed to turn a fan on? Using serverless with Firebase Cloud Functions, Google Assistant, a Raspberry Pi and a bit of wiring I turned my old fan in a state of the art fan with […]

J-Fall 2018: Jorrit van der Ven & Gijs Leussink – Why you should embrace Gradle and ditch Maven

Still using Maven as a build tool in your projects? If so, are you using it because you think it is a great tool, or just because you’ve always done it this way? Within 15 minutes we’ll share with you the reasons that made us ditch Maven and fall in love with our build tool […]